Oil manipulation and sanctions against China (including within the European Union). The United States is going in every sense of the word

Oil manipulation and sanctions against China (including within the European Union).  The United States is going in every sense of the word

On the other hand, smoke screens are intended for this purpose. The United States appears second to none in the ability to harness its effects. 12 days after the vote, US intelligence announced that Russia would have invested at least $300 million from 2014 onwards in 20 countries to address the results of the vote and government policies. In short, we now know that in the Kremlin they have short arm. Because two sections of the third row are sufficient to understand that the sum allotted for the alleged bribes and bribes was sufficient, yes and no, to pay for the flyers. Or maybe glue to election posters.

It doesn’t take much to make a comparison. This graph

Total electoral expenses of the two major parties in the United States for the presidency and the legislature

Total electoral expenses of the two major parties in the United States for the presidency and the legislature
Source: Statista

In fact, it shows what was put into the money level in the United States for the presidential and legislative elections for Congress from 2000 to today. These are necessary funds for financing legal And formed the democratic process, or rather a purely electoral campaign to gain support. In short, employee salaries, posters, flyers, gatherings and various tools. In 2000, when it came to saving, expenses exceeded $4 billion. Therefore, US 007 tells us that a hostile NATO force would have allocated 300 million to its secret political advocacy activities within 8 years and spread to political parties and politicians in 20 countries. Hard opponent destabilizing stuff.

Paradoxically, however, the proven evidence of interference is interfering. Because when the former US ambassador to NATO (and the Trump administration’s former special envoy to Ukraine), Kurt Volcker, abandons the diplomacy it takes for his role to point the finger at Lega and Fratelli d’Italia on the eve of the election, it’s hard not to notice the significance of political aid to opponents. But unfortunately, it all looks quite left over compared to the overall picture of the last 24 hours.

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And during that, for example, in the face of 300 million Russians who attracted attention like the Big Bang, Wall Street burned 1.6 trillion in capitalization. In 6 trading hours. To the delight of the Fed, which is already preparing to raise 100 basis points next week, at least according to futures contracts. In fact, Washington has the levers of the entire market in its hands once again. And not just equity, but cash.

But until then, it’s all about the details. Because while a file Russiagate 2.0this is what has been exclusively re-launched Bloomberg:

Just 24 hours after another record depletion of strategic reserves, Like the total reaching its lowest level since 1982here the Biden administration allows to liquidate its intention to start buying barrels to replenish the same stocks, when the valuation reaches $ 80.

The trend of US strategic oil reserves

The trend of US strategic oil reserves
Source: Bloomberg / Zerohedge

Imitating Kurt Volcker and thus leaving diplomacy and euphemisms aside, this is stock manipulation. The silence that accompanied this news certainly seems strange, given the rivers of discontent over current speculation on gas on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange. If this indiscretion is confirmed, in fact, it will not work out of anything but the US presidency visible hand In a financial and strategic geopolitical market such as crude oil, In fact, create turmoil in the market pre-. It is better to think of the Russians.

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But here, yesterday always, Reuters Unveiled again hidden agenda American, even more exciting and limited than its predecessor:

The Biden administration is already working on a package of preventive sanctions against China, in order to immediately erect a wall of economic deterrence to the project of the invasion of Taiwan. Not only will the strategy be developed enough to see Taipei officials visit Washington to work on the project, but it turns out The EU is already on the right track to adopt the same embargo and restriction measures against Beijing. In short, while it is only now beginning to painfully deal with the energy cost of sanctions against Russia, Brussels is preparing to adopt new sanctions against China.

And if everything written so far has had no effect, maybe these two final graphs

The performance of German exports and imports with China

The performance of German exports and imports with China
Source: Bloomberg

Impact on the GDP of different countries linked to the three energy crises (1974, 1979 and 2022)

Impact on the GDP of different countries linked to the three energy crises (1974, 1979 and 2022)
Source: Financial Times

Show more clearly what the end goal looks like: Deadly downsizing of the European economy, hitting his heart locomotiveAlready severely weakened by expensive energy. The overall picture seems not to be open to interpretation: the US has not experienced any direct impact from the current energy crisis in terms of GDP, while Germany, Spain, Greece and Italy are paying an infinitely higher price than the crises imposed. Power Systems of 1974 and 1979. I’m still sure that newsworthy opening newspapers, newscasts, and websites are relevant to the claim Argent de Bosch A destabilizing factor for the Kremlin?

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