“No to NATO – No to War”, committees and associations protest in front of the US Consulate in Naples

“No to NATO – No to War”, committees and associations protest in front of the US Consulate in Naples

“Neither born nor war, Gatvin”. This morning, a group of citizens and civic associations began a new sit-in protesting the war in Ukraine and against NATO policies in Eastern Europe. This morning’s demonstration, a follow-up to a similar demonstration organized a few weeks ago on the waterfront in San Giovanni a Teduchiooutside the US Embassy. About thirty demonstrators carried banners and placards calling for an end to the rearmament race and an end to Italy’s participation in the conflict that has been bleeding in Ukraine for more than a month.

“We’re here this morning – he explained Cerro Borelli di Nazione Napolitan Indipendente – To say no to the increase in military spending that is bringing our country to its knees. Billions of euros are spent on weapons when we have schools, roads, hospitals and infrastructure that need maintenance. We buy military planes when our law enforcement agencies don’t have gas in the cars that patrol the area, and we spend billions on guns when they can’t find more doctors and nurses in hospitals. Italy invests in arms when there is no railway in the south and it takes a few hundred kilometers to travel hours upon hours. We – continues Borrelli – are here to say no to war and to NATO, but we have absolutely nothing against the United States, with whom our city has a deep friendship. We believe that the only body empowered to maintain peace is the United Nations – concludes the president of the independent state of Naples – after the collapse of the Soviet Union, NATO no longer had a reason to exist ».

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This morning’s demonstration was organized by Independent State of NaplesFrom ‘O Jowhar and Naples’ and the group sons of the south And the sovereign people. The demonstrators, who have already taken to the streets to protest against the presence of the aircraft carrier Truman in the port of Naples, announced that in the next few days there will be further protests against the war and against rearmament that threatens to bring the country to its knees.

“The peace flag is on display outside the US Consulate – he says Cerro Krupano From the set ‘O Core and Napule’ – a great irony. Jobs are in great demand, especially in the south, and while people demand social justice, jobs and better health, NATO leaders are thinking about arming, arming, and killing. The people of Naples were – continues the activist – the first people in Europe to liberate themselves from the Nazis, even before the start of the major rebellions. It is precisely from Naples that the protest of those who do not want to surrender to see Europe become a great battlefield must begin.”

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