Maxxi L’Aquila, new combinations between art and science – Abruzzo

Maxxi L’Aquila, new combinations between art and science – Abruzzo

Exhibitions “In Itinere” and “Rocks, Fire and Underground Adventures”

(ANSA) – L’Aquila, March 11 – A synthesis between music and graphic arts by artist duo Maspedo; Armin Linke photos inside the Gran Sasso Laboratories; Claudia Bajowski’s tribute to the Mammut, the symbol of the eagle’s identity; Honoring Japanese master Hidetoshi Nagasawa, 120 shots from 5 large construction sites. And Miltos Manetas’ projected work in the Metaverse. These are the new offerings of Maxxi L’Aquila, to be admired from tomorrow, March 12th to June 12th. The exhibition “In Itinere”, curated by Bartolomeo Petromarchi, Director of Maxxi L’Aquila, and Fanny Borrell, was born out of a dialogue with other heroes of the artistic, cultural and scientific life of the L’Aquila region and draws on the support of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti. The exhibition project will present works commissioned by Linke, Masbedo and Pajewski. “The artists – explains Petromarchi – take us on an imaginary journey to the center of the Earth, between memory and the future. The projects were launched in collaboration with the National Museum of Abruzzo, the Gran Sasso Science Institute and the Gran Sasso National Laboratories thanks to a fruitful dialogue capable of honoring the city of L’Aquila as a source of inspiration and a celebration of its excellence.”

Projects and commissions of artists and photographers “who, through their gazes, examine regions marked by underground paths and buried memories, recounting travels, discoveries, encounters and surprises in the deep meanders of the Earth, and linking the macro to the other. Micro-art research that includes cosmic space, prehistoric times, and the physics of particles and leads to a reversal of the speed of scientific progress and the effects of technological development.”

Starting tomorrow, the exhibition “Rocks, Fires and Underground Adventures”, organized in collaboration with Ghella, which tells the birth of 5 large infrastructure works, will open on construction sites in Europe, the Far East and Oceania, with more than 120 images created between 2019 and 2020 by 5 of the most interesting photographers of the current Italian landscape: Fabio Barrell, Andrea Botto, Marina Canifi, Alessandro Imbrico and Francesco Neri. (handle).

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