Mallorca’s feminist movement joins Sunday’s demonstration to push for curbs on tourism

Mallorca’s feminist movement joins Sunday’s demonstration to push for curbs on tourism

he feminist movement in mallorca They declared their commitment to the “Canveme Ramp” demonstration. “We have set limits on tourism” launched by the Menys Turisme platform, Més Vida, which will take place on July 21. In an official statement, they expressed their deep concern about the negative impact that the current tourism model has on Mallorcan society, especially on women.

The statement highlights the job insecurity that women suffer from in the tourism sector, and not just in hotels, where they are present. Kilis They have been complaining about working conditions for years, but also in other services affected by tourism. The precarity is particularly acute for poor and migrant women, who are often trapped in temporary contracts that make family reconciliation difficult. “This model of monoculture tourism creates wealth for the few, and precarity and poverty for the majority,” they say.

Another worrying issue is the increase in tourism-related sexual violence, which is linked to alcohol and drug consumption. This disenfranchises men and increases their impunity for sexual violence against women, both residents and foreigners. According to data from the 24-hour helpline, calls for sexual violence increased by 40 percent in 2023, with a third of incidents occurring during the summer. The truth, according to the statement, is that “Mallorca It is a destination for sex tourism, serving male leisure time.

Access to housing is another major concern. Difficulty finding a home to rent or buy is compounded for women by job insecurity, low wages and family burdens. 83% of families Monomeric Morales They are headed by women, and the risk of poverty in households headed by women is twice that of households headed by men.

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For all this, the Mallorcan feminist movement invites everyone to participate in the demonstration on Sunday 21 July, at 7pm in the Ses Estacions park. Under the slogan “Change the course”, they want to put pressure on the authorities to reverse the policies that have led to this unsustainable situation.

This event is presented as an opportunity to highlight the negative impacts of tourism and gentrification, and to demand a more just and equitable model of tourism and society for all, especially women.

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