Long nicknames | This is the longest surname in Spain: recorded at 25 letters

Long nicknames |  This is the longest surname in Spain: recorded at 25 letters

This is the longest surname in Spain: recorded at 25 letters.

Spain brings together a large variety of surnames with very diverse origins and forms. Everyone knows Rodriguez, Gonzalez, Fernandez or Lopez, but there are also less common names. In addition, the coexistence of communities of different origins and well-differentiated languages ​​and dialects allows the preservation of some unique surnames.

Perhaps the most distinctive of these is the one that appears in the register of the Majorca region Saint Lawrence de Cardesar, 24 letters constitute the longest surname in our country today. However, the record is still held by the Basque surname, which is the longest by tradition, with a total of 25 letters.

The longest title in Spain

currently, Automotive technology It is the longest title in Spain. With a total of 24 letters, This label is registered in Mallorca, Follow the name Jurgenan architect who lives on the island and whose surname is of Central European origin.

Without going any further, he remains the record holder From the elderlya Basque appellation that does not appear in any of the existing records.

Also noteworthy Jarogirikaitxbaria And its 22 letters, which appears as another mark to overcome if we talk about the length of surnames today, as there are 18 people with this surname, according to data from the National Institute of Science.

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