Lisa Eperson weighed 290 kg, a tragic farewell during the program

Lisa Eperson weighed 290 kg, a tragic farewell during the program

Vite al confine brings to the screen another testimony consisting of suffering and struggle. Lisa’s story, confined to her bed for years, is touching and revealing.

Lisa Eperson weighed 290 kg, a tragic farewell during the program

Live on the edge Describes the path that Some people decide to do this to improve their physical fitness and living conditions. These stories are often labeled with Dramatic truths, extreme choices, sorrows and difficult experiences. All the situations that lead people to devastating results.

Live to the fullest, propose this time Lisa’s story telling, a Nebraska woman literally ate it on her food due to conditions that were hard to bear. A problem that disturbed her sleep and spoiled her life, especially when she was a girl.

Lisa tried to overcome her difficulties and eventually turned to Dr. Yonan Nozradan To find a new solution and balance.

Lisa’s devastating experience

Lisa Eperson from Lives on the Edge is a woman 51 years old who lives in Fairberry And one behind him Incredible story. She herself, in “Live on Limits”, testifies to the dangerous conditions in which she lived: 290 kg weight who destroyed it, Bedridden for four years.

The reasons for this situation can be traced back to his youth. Lisa was a target Inappropriate ways by a number of men Close to it, with a bad reputation.

Lisa Eperson

He added himself to this suffering Comrade Randy Who, according to her story, was preparing her unhealthy, unhealthy food. Their relationship was marked by quarrels and many misunderstandings.

And so Lisa resorted to foodDown to this unusual weight. As if that wasn’t enough, doctors strongly advised not to walk in the street Osteoporosiswhich can collapse due to physical load.

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And so Lisa relied on Dr. Nowzaradan di Vite to the fullest but The journey was not easy. Four months later, in fact The woman decided to abandon Vite to the fullestYou also have to face the positivity due to Covid -19.

After some time, she herself decided that Back to the game Based on Try againBack to the famous Iranian doctor but for now It is not clear if his path is easy Well or not, if you manage to overcome personal and physical difficulties or if you decide to give up permanently.

Live on the edge

The stories and experiences from Lives on the Limit are never ending. many of them Positive results and satisfactionother times but I lapel I unexpected. The common element among the Ansar is painful experience and the Desire for redemption It comes from courage and a desire to improve. To come back to live in a new way.

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