“La Moncloa is under investigation for corruption.”

“La Moncloa is under investigation for corruption.”

MadridThe People’s Party, concerned that Alberto Nunez Viejo may not obtain the expected victory in the European elections on June 9, has found its main ally in Judge Juan Carlos Peñado. On Monday, the summary of the Begonia Gomez case was declassified and it was revealed that Pedro Sanchez’s wife had already been under investigation since April 16, when the Spanish president published his letter announcing five days of reflection and on that day he officially appeared in court through his lawyer. “You knew it and covered it up. You will understand that Congress is asking you to explain to us the judicial investigation into corruption and influence peddling that affects Moncloa,” the People’s Party president affirmed.

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“However, I still have faith in justice,” Sánchez said April 24 in a House oversight session that preceded his letter. In his text he emphasized the “mud machine” promoted by Manos Limpias and fueled by PP and Vox, but now it can be understood that the main contradiction, in fact, was with Judge Peinado’s performance. In secret, Moncloa has now begun to refer to the controversial instructions, given that Gomez was given the status of being investigated without being called to testify – which is what usually happens – and based on a complaint based on publications in the media, some of which are fictitious. “Hazit Auer, Saw, Manos Limpias, Netanyahu… all the extreme right that designs the opposition policy of the People’s Party. Mud, mud and more mud,” Sánchez insisted on Wednesday, questioned by Figo.

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