Exactly six months after the premiere of Reus’ public bike-sharing system on January 30, the number of authorized users has exceeded 5,600, achieving a total 50,000 trips with JanxitaA number that has not stopped growing since day one.
Users also rate Ganxeta’s service positively, with an average score of 4.7 out of 5. And through the same app, after each ride, you can leave comments about the experience or explain any incidents. Close to one 60% of the most active users are concentrated in the age group of 14 to 30 years.Since spring, the shared bike service has been available from the age of 14, although the use of a helmet is mandatory for children under 16.
The average ride time for a shared bike is 8.5 minutes. During the first months of service, Ganxeta recorded very few accidents, the most common being the ride not being closed properly or the bike not being properly secured to the station. Regarding maintenance, Less cases Focus on general use modifications, wheels and baskets. All this shows that the user of the hook is a conscientious user and makes good use of it. In the meantime, the discount of up to 50% remains valid on all types of monthly subscription. Thus, the 24-hour ticket remains at one euro per day, but the cost of all monthly subscriptions is half that price: the monthly subscription remains at 4.50 euros, while the price of the Janxita Jove and Janxita Dorada drops to three euros.
The service operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with 250 bikes and 21 stations distributed throughout the urban network. A few weeks ago, the capacity of the Sant Francesc stations and the train station was expanded and soon a new station will be built next to Carrer del Roser.
The shared bike project in Reus is financed by the European Union with the EU Next Generation Fund, within the framework of the Spanish State’s Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, and in accordance with the call from the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility.

“Infuriatingly humble social media buff. Twitter advocate. Writer. Internet nerd.”