In the United States today there is “little awareness” of Italy’s contribution as an ally and the potential benefits of a closer relationship. Here’s where to start, between soft power and hard power. Document presented at Cernobbio
Cooperation between Italy and the United States is not only necessary, but necessary in the context of competition between great powers that are challenging the world order by threatening the basis of globalization and the Western-led security order. However, in the United States today there is “little awareness”, due to a lack of visibility in the media and public opinion in general, of the Italian contribution as an ally and the potential benefits of a closer relationship that primarily matters to diplomatic influence and military projection. These are the findings of the report “Important Strategy for Italian-American Relations” issued by the European House – Ambrositi in cooperation with the Italian-American National Foundation.
Italy is a mainstay of the international security system and plays a “decisive” role in transatlantic security, particularly on NATO’s southern front, he notes. Mike Pompeoa former United States Secretary of State and former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, who spoke of the relationship “which is very important today and in the future.” Mariangela ZappiaItaly’s ambassador to Washington, instead soft power Italian investments and the “coherent” response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. highlight the role soft power also Roberto Carluccipresident of the Italian American National Foundation, who adds: Italy “is also a country of great origins tough saladWith its military presence and defense industry that has a strong value “in advancing the interests of the West.”
Industrial profession and towards activities peace building And the preserve peace Together with the centrality in the Mediterranean, the role in NATO, the proximity to Africa and soft power Still not fully expressed makes Italy a country that can be effective in slowing the expansion of China and Russia in Africa, through funds, joint projects and diplomatic actions alongside the United States, while at the same time working to achieve social and political stability we read in the conclusions. The same can happen in Latin America and in the post-Soviet space due to the historical relations that Italy enjoys in both areas. Not forgetting the energy transition, which can increase the integration of value chains. Regarding this sector, Pompeo said yesterday in Cernobbio: “I hope that the Europeans will find a balance in their energy policies, it was not inevitable that they would end up in such difficulties. But it would be absurd to expect an Italian family to rely only on photovoltaics in the years to come.” the next few, because a share of fossil fuels will be necessary.” For Pompeo, Europe and Italy should ensure self-sufficiency: “My father used to say that if you can solve your problem yourself, you should do it. And in the ground there are still hydrocarbons.”
But politics and economics are not everything. The document continues, “In fact, the two countries have a special relationship that is not well understood by public opinion, which has been shaped by decades of cultural intersections and mutual benefits.” “Mutual trust is the foundation of any prosperous, stable and reliable partnership, whether in human or international relations, and cannot be built overnight. It takes decades, if not more, to trust in a strength, and Italy, along with its people, who have played instrumental in shaping America, repeatedly through its reliability and strong commitment to the West,” concludes with an optimistic outlook toward the future.
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