Italian Stock Exchange, commenting on today’s session (May 26, 2022)

Italian Stock Exchange, commenting on today’s session (May 26, 2022)

BPER Banca closed the session more than 1 percentage point higher. Excellent performance of managed savings companies. Saipem also very well

AC positiveThe main indices of the Italian Stock Exchange and the main European financial markets ended the session with advance in the range of 1-2%.

The FTSEMib And it recorded an increase of 1.22% to 24,547 points, after it fluctuated between 24,211 points as a minimum and 24,572 points as a maximum. The FTSE Italia all participated 1.24% profit. plus sign for file FTSE Italia medium hat (+ 1.44%) and for The star of FTSE Italia (+1.23%). In the session of May 26, 2022, the trading value fell to 1.72 billion euros, compared to 2.01 billion euros.

It’s 17.30 days Bitcoin He returned over $29,000 (just under 27,500 euros).

The BTP-Bund spread It stood just above 190 pips.

L ‘euro It’s back above $1.07.

Paper Bank Close session higher (+1.23% to €1.893). The Bank announced that it has received a mandate from the European Central Bank to acquire a direct controlling interest in Banka Carriage (+0.51% to 0.794 euros). The acquisition of the controlling stake in Instituto Liguria will entail Banca Carige’s commitment to launch a total public offer of Banca Carige shares at a unit price of €0.8.

Excellent performance for active companies in managed savings. advance Banka General (+4.16%) e Mediolanum Bank (+3.18%).

In general, stocks in the oil sector are risingAfter the price of crude oil in New York (the contract expires in July 2022) exceeded $114 per barrel.

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The performance of the Saipem (+8.71% up to €5.644).

ST closed higher (+1.8% at €36.41). According to Bloomberg, Apple can assess the possibility of reducing production of iPhones planned for 2022. The Cupertino group is the largest customer of STM, with a share of up to 20% of sales.

.’s excellent performance Meyer Technemont (+9.72%).

Among the companies with smaller capital, the rise of Pearl (+7.36% to €0.2335). EnVent Analysts raised the pharmaceutical company’s target price, moving it from €0.324 to €0.348, a price that includes a 60% increase over the stock’s closing value on May 25, 2022 (0,2175 €). Experts confirmed the rating of “Outperform” (it will perform better than the market).

no orgasms like rome (+0.47% to 0.4315 euros). The Giallorossi club won the Conference League final by defeating Dutchman Feyenoord 1-0.

In Euronext Growth Milan the race for ButHaving finished the previous session with a jump of 106%. The address is for him 8.26% profit at €0.118, after it was suspended because the rally exceeded for most of the day.

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