(ANSA) – WASHINGTON, OCTOBER 23 – The 2022 Miglia Warm Up USA 1000 Race, which took place October 18-23 in the Middleburg, Virginia, and in the US capital, has ended in front of the Italian Embassy in Washington.
“Since 1927, the 1000 Miglia has represented the most beautiful race in the world,” said Alessandro Gonzalez, the second man in the embassy, at the opening of the closing ceremony. “The 1000 Meglia, whose legend has inspired artists, writers and musicians over the decades, brings together the strengths of Italian soft power: beauty, emotion, tradition as well as innovation,” Gonzalez continued. “The idea of bringing 1,000 Miglias here in the US and 1,000 Miglia Greens for electric and hybrid vehicles is testament to Italy’s unique ability to combine tradition and innovation.”
Aldo Bonomi, President of the Brescia Automobile Club, Alberto Biantoni, CEO of 1000 Miglia, CAF. Ugo Gusali-Beretta, and Tobridge Littleton, Mayor of Middleburg.
The nineteen cars participating in the event displayed at the embassy in front of about 100 guests.
Born in 1927 as a sprint race from the intuition of Giovanni Canestrini, Franco Mazzotti, Renzo Castagnito, and Emo Maggi (“Four Musketeers”), the 1000 Miglia remains today the regular race for historic cars that transcend Italy’s unique scenarios: a one week experience, four days of Competition, along the classic route from Brescia to Rome and back.
Only car models in which at least one example participated in one of the 1000 Miglia editions held from 1927 to 1957 and registered in the 1000 Miglia Register participate in the 1000 Miglia. In 2018, 1000 Miglia organized their first overseas warm-up session: a formula designed to better prepare foreign crews to face the sporting part of the race taking place in Italy, through training days, testing and the final race. (Dealing).
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