“It is not consistent with the constitution”

The alternative proposal presented by the Popular Party to the amnesty law proposed by the socialist government raises intense political and legal controversy. Popularity suggests creating one A new crime of betrayal of the Constitution Under the Penal Code, those who held self-determination referendums or declarations of independence were “dissolved.”

The Spanish government, Somar and pro-independence parties and organizations They accuse the People's Party of following the Vox Party, Who has been calling for years to ban pro-independence parties. “It is another step in the race with Vox towards inclusivity,” a spokeswoman for the European Reform Council said on Thursday. Marta VillaltaIn one suit.

For Sommer, the PP modification “is more A feature of authoritarian regimes That same democracy,” according to a congressional spokeswoman, martha lewis, While the Spanish government defends that the current party law is a valid mechanism. The Interior Minister said: “We already have a party law that has succeeded in this country.” Fernando Grande Marlaska.

He added, “The only constitutional betrayal that was adopted more than 1,800 days ago was the People's Party's inappropriate opposition to the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary.”

Tellado tries to determine distances

In order to put some distance with Abascal, who proposes in amending the amnesty law to “ban parties that threaten the unity of Spain,” spokesman for the People’s Party, Miguel TelladoHe stressed on Thursday that the “big difference” between the Vox Party's approaches and those of the People's Party is that the far-right party seeks to ban parties because of the ideas it defends, and the People's Party because of possible “criminal acts.”

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However, he defended his initiative once again. “All we do is attribute the punishment to Crimes that attack the very essence of our ConstitutionHe said he was convinced that Europe would share his proposals: “We are defending something as natural as the equality of Spaniards before the law.”

“It has no place in the constitution.”

Many constitutional law professors consulted by TV3 consider this proposal unconstitutional, because the Magna Carta itself gives cover to parties that do not respect it.

“It has no place in the constitution,” says Javier Pérez Royo, a professor of constitutional law at the University of Seville. “There is only one reason for the dissolution of political parties, and that is the criminal reason. Article 22 of the European Commission stipulates that parties that pursue the objectives or They use methods that constitute crimes“.

In this context, Professor of Constitutional Law at the Pompeu Fabra University Marc Carrillo asserts that the crime of betrayal of constitutional loyalty proposed by the People’s Party “cannot be a reason for legal repression because the Constitution gives cover to political expressions that have no reason to respect.”

Edits, whether Popular or Fox, which most likely won't move forward, It will be discussed next week In the House of Representatives.

As expected, It will be rejected With a majority of 178 votes against the pro-amnesty parties – PSOE, Sumar, ERC, Junts, Bildu, PNB and BNG. They are the same people who supported Sánchez's inauguration, except for the representative of the Canaria coalition.

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