Inventors in the field explain science at Maker Faire Trieste – Other News – Nuova Europe

Inventors in the field explain science at Maker Faire Trieste – Other News – Nuova Europe

(ANSA) – Trieste, 29 August – An opportunity to introduce science in a simple way and to promote the dissemination of science. A journey through creativity and technology, with exceptional companions such as inventors, creators, scientists and above all makers, who will arrive in Trieste with technological attractions, experiments and laboratories: it’s “Maker faire Trieste”, the two days dedicated to creativity scheduled for September 2 and 3 in Piazza Unità d’Italia.

This initiative, which was presented on Monday and is now in its tenth edition, is being promoted by Ictp and the Municipality of Trieste, with the support of the Fvg Region. More than 200 manufacturers from Fvg and also from other regions and from Slovenia, Croatia, Austria, Czech Republic and Slovakia are expected to participate.

Among the scheduled dates is the Science Walk, an interactive science sector with a program of interviews with researchers, experiments, presentations and educational workshops.

Moreover, Massimo Banzi, the co-founder of Arduino and the “godfather” of Italian manufacturers, will be a guest at the fair on Sunday to talk about the future of technology and innovation.

The organizers of the initiative explained that the aim of the initiative is “to promote scientific publishing in order to enhance awareness of the importance of research as a growth factor for society by showing the impact of the work of makers and innovators on people’s daily lives, especially by arousing interest in research and scientific professions, and bringing science and creativity closer to the economic world.” Ever”.

In Piazza Unità d’Italia for two days it will be possible to see a large chessboard for young and old chess players; Electric scale reduced train and also perfect 1:22,5 scale mini train or brick built train controlled by self-assembled microcontrollers. Or finally a rocket launched using only air and water propellants that will fly across the sky while scientists and kids analyze its trajectory.


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