Indoor sink tanks are down for the first time by 16%.

Indoor sink tanks are down for the first time by 16%.

The Catalan inland reservoirs fell below 16% of capacity for the first time. Yesterday the rate was 15.99%. According to data from the Catalan Water Agency's (ACA) State of Reservoirs report, the capacity of Catalan inland basins is lower than recorded a week ago, when it was 16.19%, and almost half of that recorded in the previous week on these dates (29.53%). The Darneus-Bodella reservoir is at 12.13% of capacity; SAO by 4.84%; Soskida, 21.16%; Biles, 21.17%; Llosa del Caval, 17.24%; Saint Ponce, 27.64%; FWA by 56.29%; Siorana by 3.37% and Riodicanes by 2.92%.

However, drought emergencies operate via hydrographic units. Therefore, it will be announced in the Ter-Llobregat system when it drops to 16.0%. Yesterday it was at 16.5%. The government is likely to announce this stage with new restrictions in the coming weeks.

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