In the United States, resignations are still on the rise. In September, 4.4 million people quit their jobs

In the United States, resignations are still on the rise.  In September, 4.4 million people quit their jobs

More and more Americans are choosing to quit their jobs, an event that erupts during epidemics. 4.4 million people resigned in September (The 3% of employees), 100 thousand more than last August. The reasons for this choice are many, sometimes dictated by need, and sometimes linked to economic and / or existential assessments. In the first category problems related to child care services (kindergarten, etc.) or fear of infection closed due to Govt forced families to redefine their organization. Sometimes you have the opportunity to go to well-paid jobs There is a shortage of manpower in many sectors and they are willing to pay more and hire. Over the past year, wages have increasedAnd 6% on average. Mentioned the Nobel Prize for Economics Paul Crookman Many are not willing to do the same job as before under the same pay and extreme conditions.

Restaurants and hotels are the most affected sectors by staff layoffs 6.6% of employees resigned. Top personalities in entertainment, education and health services. This phenomenon is very pronounced In rural areas Wages are lower than average. The South and Midwest are the most affected areas of the country while the Northeast has the lowest enrollment rate. The total number of jobs in the United States is slightly lower than the pre-epidemic value and the number of people employed is approx. 6.5 million per month.

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