In the exhibition APE Parma, the Museum of “Quantum Magic” and examples of science applied to cultural heritage

In the exhibition APE Parma, the Museum of “Quantum Magic” and examples of science applied to cultural heritage

In the exhibition APE Parma, the Museum of “Quantum Magic” and examples of science applied to cultural heritagePARMA – in collaboration with Monteparma FoundationL’Parma University Organized inAPE Parma . Museum The “Public Participation” initiative that brings together Physics, magic and archeology To engage the public in a moment of entertainment and performances for the purpose of scientific publication.

dedicated to the topicArcheology and history with elementary particles‘, due date Thursday, September 1 at 6 p.m In the lecture hall of the Cultural and Exhibition Center of the Monteparma Foundation (Strada Farini 32 / a), a scientific presentation by Massimiliano Clemenza From the INFN of Milano Bicocca, which will tell historical details (on the yellow color of the death of Napoleon, on the bronze artifacts made by the Sardinian nuraghi and in other cases) they can be obtained with techniques based on beams of particles such as muons, without harming the rare discoveries being investigated . By X-spectroscopy of negative muons, it is actually possible to study the formation of thick bodies in a non-invasive way. Massimiliano Clemenza, who uses this technique in Rutherford’s laboratory, near Oxford, will illustrate a series of examples.

After that, the audience will be able to attend a show”Quantum magicWhich will feature the wizard Sylvani, a young researcher at the University of Perugia and a witch expert, intending to explain the apparent contradictions of quantum physics with ‘magical’ analogies, starting with Schrödinger’s legendary cat. Raphael Silvani He will lead the audience into a quantum world where the impossible becomes possible, in a constant exchange between science and “magic”, to explain in an understandable way all the most wonderful physical phenomena in quantum mechanics.

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The initiative, aimed at both the scientific world and the general public, is held on the occasion of 15th International Congress of Circulation, Relaxation and Resonance, Scheduled in Parma from From Sunday 28 August to Friday 2 Septemberco-organised by the University and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory at the Harwell Science Campus (co-chairs Adrian Heller And the Roberto de Renzi), also powered by Monteparma Foundation.
September 1 set and international conference sponsored Parma municipality.

The conference, which is being held in the Conference Room on the Science and Technology Campus, will be officially opened on Monday, August 29 in the presence of the Vice Chancellor. Paolo Martelli And Professor Emeritus Cesar Pucci, Honorary President. The meeting, which has been postponed due to the pandemic, is in its fifteenth edition and will open with Student’s Day on Sunday, August 28 in the Aula dei Cavalieri (the seat of the University of Parma). More than 170 scientists from around the world will gather in Parma to discuss the latest results of a cutting-edge experimental technique in matter physics and chemistry, based on the use of elementary particles, muons.

The appointment at the APE Parma Museum, which is aimed at an audience of 10 years and over, is free to enter with reservations at phone number 0521 203413 or by email: [email protected].

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