Q&A at a distance between the Prime Minister, who said this morning that he considered the health authorities’ decision to disembark all migrants on NGO ships this morning, and the Italian Chief Medical Officer, who stigmatized the Prime Minister’s ruling: “Decisions made by health professionals must be respected because Assessing health is different from policy choices regarding immigrants.”

November 09 –
I read the surreal headlines in the papers this morning, far from reality. For example, the health authority’s decision to disembark all migrants on NGO ships, declaring them vulnerable due to potential risks of psychological problems, was not dependent on the government. The choice of the health authority, which we found strange, “So today the Prime Minister Georgia Meloni During the assembly with the parliamentary blocs of the FdI.
Phrase the doctors did not like: “Medicine is different from politics. We must respect the work of doctors who have worked in science and conscience,” Fnomceo President told Ansa Filippo Agnelli.
“When doctors make an assessment – it turns out that the standards of medicine are met and medicine cannot be considered a political issue. If colleagues intervene, they assess the level of people’s vulnerability according to the rules of the medical profession, and each professional has autonomy and freedom and should not be subject to restrictions or conditions,” Fnomceo said.
If politics “wants to intervene – concluded Agnelli – it must do so through its instruments, those are laws and decrees, and to President Meloni, I answer by saying that decisions made by health professionals are respected because the assessment of the state of health is different from political choices with respect to immigrants.”
November 09 2022
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