Hypatia of Alexandria / The Woman Who Revolutionized Science (Women’s Day)

Hypatia of Alexandria / The Woman Who Revolutionized Science (Women’s Day)

On Women’s Day, the characters who made the history of culture return, including the women writers, scientists, and mathematicians who gave their lives by becoming famous in their field. One of them is Hypatia of AlexandriaThe Greek scientist and philosopher remains today a symbol of freedom of thought. The daughter of the philosopher Theon, her education allowed her to be head of the School of Alexandria and to rise to the stage of the intellectual scene of Alexandria in Egypt. A woman of great culture, There are not many written works left Because of the destruction of the Library of Alexandria, but other philosophers of the time speak of it as one of the most advanced minds in existence.

The illustrious world, centuries-old writings see Hypatia also formulate hypotheses about the motion of the Earth, bypassing the Ptolemaic theory according to which the Earth was at the center of the universe. She was responsible for the inventions of the astrolabe, the globe, and the hydrometer, an instrument with which different specific gravity of liquids could be measured. In philosophy, he was a follower of the Neoplatonic school, although according to historical sources he did this in an original and eclectic manner, never converting to Christianity.

Hibis Alexandria, the leading figure for women

Hypatia’s death in Alexandria dates back to 415. The woman was massacred in a church by a mob of fanatics, in a climate of bigotry, rejecting culture and science in the name of the growing Christian faith. His character, forgotten for years, returned with the Enlightenment, when many authors began to remember his freedom of thought and the high level reached by his studies. Since then it has been remembered as a symbol of freedom of thought and the independence of women.

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For this reason, in 2004 she was dedicated to the International Center for Women and Science in Turin, a center established by UNESCO to support the study, research and training of women scientists in the Mediterranean region in particular. Hypatia is in fact a symbol of how fanaticism, despite her recognized intellectual talents, was an obstacle to her, which, being a woman, she found an additional aggravating circumstance.

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