How do you know if streaming movies or TV shows works? – The impossibility of standardizing success criteria

How do you know if streaming movies or TV shows works? – The impossibility of standardizing success criteria

How do you know if streaming movies or TV shows works? – The impossibility of standardizing success criteria

More and more SVOD platforms – English abbreviations Video Subscription On Demand– Condition of access to the most economical subscriptions for Inspection With ads. So much so that according to the report’s data Connected TV Guide: Content, Measurement, and AdvertisingFrom eMarketer, advertising investment in the broadcast TV market will move from More than $29 billion And expect 2024 mostly 41000 in 2027In this context, it becomes increasingly necessary to allow for the unification of the measurement of the masses. embodiment and quantification The connection created between content and its users.

a research From the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) Publishing it openly raises the futility of Unified Success Concept For SVOD platforms as well as for you. Cross-sectional applicability For all services that work with this model. It is a work that is led by Elena Neracooperating teacher Information and Communication Science Studies From Oak University, collaborator with the Learning, Media and Entertainment Research Group (Game) He recently obtained his PhD in Humanities and Communications ProgramOther GAME researchers also participated in this work: Judith Clarisse I Jordi Sanchez NavarroDirector of Information and Communication Sciences Studies and leader of GAME, a group particularly interested in Transformations in communication practices AssociatedWidespread use and access Internet.

This research article points out in the introduction that most Platforms Unified In Spain They resist being transparent. With data on users’ consumption habits. One of the main reasons given is that “its business model does not rely on selling advertising space.” Therefore, they believe that it should notreview audience, as in traditional television.

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Very different data models

The UCLA research raises a clear divide when it comes to evaluating the success of ongoing content. On the one hand, there are media research firms, such as Nielsen, who are betting on Sample dataobtained from a representative panel of individuals, as a means of achieving consistent, stable, and transparent measurement. This is how these companies measure audiences. In contrast, streaming platforms like Netflix prefer Census dataBecause it allows them to predict user preferences and explain associations between content and viewing habits based on the full fingerprint of users connected to these platforms.

“SVOD companies continue to hold on to a quantitative view of success, expressing it through standard indicators, such as the number of viewers, views or hours accumulated.”

However, both models have advantages and disadvantages: sample data depend on one Representation board of individuals, which have the advantage of power reduce uncertainty From the market, however, they fail to reflect the totality of consumption that occurs in SVOD ecosystems. On the other hand, census data is based on the collective data generated by the user’s footprint within the connected service. The main value of this model is grainsThe level of detail and precision with which user consumption data is collected and analyzed, allowing lessons learned from the dataset to be applied. The main limitation is the bias that can be used, especially without prior correction.

Beyond the amazing numbers

SVOD companies continue to stick to one Quantitative view Success, expressed through standard indicators such as the number of viewers, views or hours accumulated, although qualitative indicators such as engagement are also widespread (Engagement) expressed on social networks. However, through interviews with different players in this sector, the study conducted by GAME researchers found that other dimensions of what is considered success should be taken into account: Consumer dimensionrelating to each user’s connection to the referenced content; one Economic dimensionWhich has to do with return on investment; one Time dimensionlinked to the time fork that limits the commercial success of the content, and one Market Sizerelated to the position of the content relative to other competing content.

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Towards a stable and flexible measure of success

In these dimensions, according to the study, is the key to avoiding all the points of friction that prevent this from happening. Monotheism What is considered a success in SVOD content. So, even if it is necessary to give up the more complete, dynamic and fluid view of evaluation provided by census data, it can be made more flexible byRelated indicators Related to the above dimensions.

These indicators will be intensitythe repetition From watching and Completion rate Content – Indicators directly related to the topic loyalty From clients-; popularityIt is understood as the ability to generate a highly enthusiastic collective response among a large number of users – an indicator that is closely related to business goals, i.e. capture and retain Clients-; commitmentIt is an indicator that reflects the connection between the user and the content, and its most important manifestations are: Advertising – Media coverage and public interest that the content receives -, fan culture – The community of passionate followers that forms around that specific content – and Social Resonance – The impact and importance that this content has in the public conversation and in society in general, which becomes essential to it Loyalty and amplification Scope of Contents, Finally, Working relationship It is established between the service and the customer – since the contents are part of a strategy to enhance and maintain the subscription group, the indicators of its success are profitability investment that day Satisfaction From the client

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Article published in UC News.

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