Here comes the “hit” on the highway: That’s what’s changing

Here comes the “hit” on the highway: That’s what’s changing

Among the various increases that we have to face practically every month, there is one that we would gladly have without: the subscription to Telepass, which allows us to avoid long queues on the highway at toll booths, especially in the approaching summer period. However, in this case there is also good news, but first let’s see what increases will be met by almost 7 million Italians.

Telepass: +55% per year

On an annual basis, thea plus of the motorway lane will equal 55% which, when translated into currency, will amount to an additional 57 euro cents per month for the “family” who, instead of spending 1.26 euros, will spend 1.83 euros. It’s not about who knows what the sting, attention, you will pay a subscription during the year of 6.84 euros, but it is still an increase, in a period when everything is more expensive, can also affect the pockets of some. families. The increases will also affect those who put the dual panels on the same device, up €0.28 per month (in addition to the base price increase). as he remembers daily freeuntil June 30, you can opt out of your subscription for free, but Telepass, among its services, also offers highway assistance (it costs 2 euros more) and you can get 50% cashback if you get stuck in long lines.

What is the alternative

At first we said there was good news, and it really is: For the first time, highway tolls are opening up to the market and competition. As we have seen on, Unipol, the insurance company in Bologna that I created, has now entered this field Unipol Move, a system very similar to the Telepass device that is placed on the dashboard and allows you to bypass lines and pass through “preferential” lanes. Why would you agree? First, because, as in the case of telephone operators, there will now be the possibility of opting out of monopoly. And then because in terms of prices, it may be worth considering that for the first six months there is no subscription fee it will be 1 euro for one device and 1.50 for two devices.

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what can he do

In addition to highway tolls, then with the same Subscription It will also be possible to pay fines, car tax, limited traffic areas, parking on the blue lines and even refueling at service stations. In keeping with the times, everything will be managed by a simple application that will be downloaded to your mobile phone with which you can view and make payments and constantly monitor your status. In short, in a sector where monopoly dominates, being able to choose between different operators is already a good step forward.

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