Grandmothers’ “recipe” that will continue to save lives when the pandemic is over

Grandmothers’ “recipe” that will continue to save lives when the pandemic is over

It’s a habit that’s as simple as it is essential. A way to contribute to conservation Our health Without being expensive or time consuming.

Unfortunately, when the pandemic arrived, there were many homes where the practice was relaxed.

Actions that until a few years ago were rooted in our habits and were part of our routine, have lost their power.

And that since 2009 (long before the start of the Corona virus pandemic) the World Health Organization has insisted on returning to good habits by creating… world men’s hygiene day, With the idea that the message travels around the world and can help save lives.

And of course, for a long time, for more than 100 years, it is a message that our grandmothers never tired of repeating.

When entering the house, before eating, after eating, when going to the bathroom, when leaving the bathroom, to change clothes, to go to bed… And every little while they would look at us and give us this final command: “Kid, wash your hands!”

  • They also asked us to wash our faces

  • Wear our slippers

  • Don’t walk around the house wearing your shoes.

  • Do not scratch the carpet

  • I changed my clothes when we arrived…

They were all well-thought-out measures that we should maintain as habits Because we are all staying away from infection as much as possible.

Archive – A man purchases the free masks that the Andalusian government is starting this Wednesday, 22, through pharmacies for citizens over the age of 80. This measure will benefit all people over the age of 65 and those under the age of 65 Maria Jose Lopez – Europe Press – ArXiv

Coronavirus has brainwashed us

Today’s reality is that the coronavirus has saved one of the best public health and disease prevention measures: hand hygiene.

And this is it Washing your hands saves livesAnd not only in post-pandemic times, as experts emphasize.

That’s why, as much as the picture seems so clear, Specialists in preventive medicine and public health insist on the need to continue observing hand hygieneWhether among healthcare professionals or among the general population, regardless of the course of the epidemic.

Millions of patients die

They also explain who Spanish Society of Preventive Medicine, Public Health and Hygiene (SEMPSPH)Hand washing not only prevents the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus as we now know it, but also prevents the spread of many other disease-causing microorganisms.

Millions of patients die every year around the world due to infection related to health care.

who are they, 56% of these deaths are preventable, and hand hygiene is the simplest, most effective and cheapest measure to achieve that.

But “this measure requires commitment, cooperation, responsibility and generosity on the part of citizens, patients, companions, health professionals and managers,” SEMPSPH explained.

  • For prevention people “Committing to good hand hygiene is not an option“It is an opportunity or just a matter of common sense, but it is a necessity to prevent health care-associated diseases and infections.”

“For healthcare workers, it is supported by scientific evidence and defined in the five moments of hand hygiene.”

these 5 moments that a healthcare professional should pay special attention to Hand washing is:

  • Before touching the patient

  • Before carrying out the cleaning/sterilization task,

  • After the risk of exposure to bodily fluids.

  • After touching the patient.

  • After contact with the patient’s environment.

More soap and water and less gloves

One of the first things to disappear from supermarket shelves when the pandemic began, in addition to toilet paper, were gloves.

The fact is that since those days there has been an increase in the use of this substance.

  • But this must be taken into account Using gloves does not excuse you from washing your hands.

Public health experts are taxed:

  • “Hand hygiene and use of gloves They can be complementary practices, but they are never exclusive“.

For example, they give an example. When healthcare professionals remove their gloves after caring for a patient, they must wash their hands before caring for the next patient. Just as they would if they were not wearing gloves during the consultation.

Why does the use of gloves complement hand washing?

For a very simple reason because All gloves, even medical gloves, have pores. Although these are very small holes, they can facilitate the entry of microorganisms depending on the time and method of use.

“Through proper hand hygiene, we will be able to eliminate microorganisms that may have entered after using the gloves,” SEMPSPH explained.

The same applies to using soap and water or hydroalcoholic gels. The important thing is to wash your hands.

And indeed the experts In preventive medicine, they favorably appreciate the acceptance that hydroalcoholic gels have had In the population

These products, if approved and meet the necessary requirements,It is a great tool to be able to perform hand hygiene properly Anywhere and at any time”.

Of course, experts remember that this type of gel is effective If hands are not visibly dirty. And that in these cases, when dirt is easily visible with the naked eye, it is better to resort to our classic grandmothers: soap and water.

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