A story of courage and authentic values, Where twelve simple citizens put their assets at risk, while firmly believing in the supreme value of the common good, and expressing it in the spirit of authentic and true reciprocity.
This is what will be held on Friday at nine in the evening (entry is free), in the Calcio Parish Church, For the celebratory event created by Banca di Credito Cooperativo dell’Oglio e del Serio to celebrate its 120th anniversary Establishment of the Rural Football Loan Fund. an offer, “Waiting for tomorrow” Which tells the exciting event that allowed the foundation of Cassa Rurale di Prestiti di Calcio.

The first board of directors of Cassa Rurale di Calcio founded in 1903: Alessandro Barovi in second place from the bottom starting from the right
Spectators will watch like this To Alessandro Barovi’s monologue, One of the twelve brave men who on July 16, 1903 invested two lira of company shares and mortgaged their assets To found the Cassa Rurale di Prestiti di Calcio. Through his words, spoken on the eve of the Constitution, we discover the reasons and ideals that prompted a humble carpenter to undertake such a daring task and the countless doubts, due to a legitimate fear for the future of his and his wife. Children and the attempts of relatives and friends to discourage him from taking risks, he found himself forced to deal with them at the moment of choice.
Despite everything, he decided to trust the other founders and his own instincts. The next day, motivated by his desire to change the fortunes of his poor fellow villagers and free them from poverty and loan sharks, he took courage and left his signature on the statutes of Cassa Rurale di Calcio. History, as we well know, ultimately proved him right.
Entrusted with artistic direction deSidera Created by the young writer Jarlotta balistreri, The song “Waiting for Tomorrow” will be performed accompanied by a cellist Daniela Savoldi, From Giorgio Pasotti, who we talked to about reading.
Basuti, why did you decide to accept this role?
“I was struck by the human story of this story. These simple men, who changed the fate of the world with their gestures, have great value and we must pay tribute to them, be close to them and honor these choices and people who did important things with their gestures. We must be an inspiration to them. So it was right that I accepted the role and the least I could do was read the story of one of these people who contributed to building a better world.”
What was it like working on this show?
“Everything was very simple. When you have trained people and established professionals in front of you, everything becomes very simple. Harmony was easily achieved.”
What story does this show tell, the one that can be seen behind the plot and facts?
“We are talking about a man with eight children, a carpenter, and a humble and simple person. In fact, these carpenters were not just shop owners, they were artists and people with passion who made it their job. Today it is very difficult to make your passion your job, you are thinking about the result. Then the family: If we think today, a family of eight children seems impossible; Today there is the selfishness of society that has led us not to have children, or at most to have one or two children. While at that time, despite not having high economic possibilities, the family contributed to the birth of children and thus the creation of society, and without allowing this. They lack nothing. So there are many very important sub-stories in this story that inspire us and teach us how today’s complaints are nothing and how back then, with much less use, everything worked better.
Who is Alessandro Barovi? What did he bring to the stage himself, and what would make Alessandro Barovi look a little like Giorgio Pasotti?
“Actually, I don’t want there to be anything Giorgio Pasotti. I would just like to lend my voice to a text and through my experience make that person’s life reach today’s life. I will have nothing but the ability to make Barovi’s words understandable, to excite this story, and even better, to enhance it. I will only be there to restore his simple life which is actually huge compared to what he did by setting up this bank.”
Are there today people as brave as Barovi? Should not the present society rediscover that spirit which allowed the Twelve Founders to put their assets at risk, and to firmly believe in the supreme value of the common good, and to express it in the spirit of authentic and true reciprocity?
“Unfortunately, today we have very few such virtuous examples. Today we are afraid to even express our thoughts because we are judged and destroyed, for example on social media. There is no longer any respect for people, their word, society is sick and gangrenous, and has little virtue. Therefore, we must return to those examples, such as the example of Barovi, to be guided, because examples are more important than words. Today, society is far from being a healthy society, and I am concerned for many reasons, for everything we hear in the news, such as violence against women, but also in general. We are a society that is taking a serious drift. So it is good to rally around these examples, reinforce them, and talk about them, especially to the young, who should be encouraged and taught the highest values.
“Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Freelance organizer. Avid analyst. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon junkie.”