Genoa, the science festival towards the grand end

Genoa, the science festival towards the grand end

In the program are 26 conferences, 6 special events and 1 show with 31 exhibitions and 84 laboratories for the last round of the Genoa Science Festival, which runs from tomorrow October 30 to Tuesday November 1, completing the last days of its XX edition. The event – which tells about science in an innovative and engaging way – turns on a beacon about human action that “relentlessly affects the balance of many ecosystems, primarily the marine environment”.

With a scientific procedure for the citizens, the National Council for Scientific Research proposes, among the many appointments on the agenda, to go to a “fine for microplastics”, with the “rowing” leaving from Piazza delle Vista.

On Sunday, there is no shortage of meetings related in various ways to health issues, such as prevention and good nutrition practices at the Center for Health Comes Eating, a conversation between Marco Bianchi, science interlocutor for the Umberto Veronese Foundation, expert on nutrition issues and Silvio Danes, director of the gastroenterology unit and endoscopy at Irccs San Raffaele Hospital and Professor of Gastroenterology at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, speaking at the Sala del Maggior Consiglio in Palazzo Ducale.

Also tomorrow, in Piazza Matteotti, the travel event “Fables and Children’s Songs for the Earth”, sponsored by Engf, where actors, actresses and artists Maria Grazia Chiacchio, GianFilippo de Estes, Giovanna Lucia Bengiamore and Gaia will stop. Soldiers tell the planet through street art.

Speaking about “non-human languages” instead, Enrico Aliva, a behavioral scientist and former director of the Reference Center for Behavioral Sciences and Mental Health at the Instituto Superior Sanita, who works alongside psychobiologist and researcher Daniela Santucci, in Sanita Inaugurated Sala del Maggior Consiglio in Palazzo Ducale “Animals That Talk”, an encounter that leads the viewer on a journey to discover the communicative paradigms of the animal world.

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