Fvg area, Examine the toxic algae of Duino Aurisina

Fvg area, Examine the toxic algae of Duino Aurisina

(ANSA) – Trieste, August 22 – “Following the discovery of the poisonous seaweed Ostreopsis ovata above threshold level in the locality of Canovila degli Zopoli in Duino Oresina (Trieste), actions were immediately activated which envisaged an ARPA intervention and communication with the regional health system.
We are continuing the investigations of the first sampling with the Municipality of Duino Auricina. ARPA, after reporting the results of the first sample to the Provincial and Municipal Health Directorate, is already planning to take a second sample in the next few days in order to proceed with the envisaged measures to protect health and the environment.
This was announced by Fabio Scosimaro, Environmental Defense Consultant of Friuli Venezia Giulia, after confirming the presence of the toxic algae Ostreopsis ovata in Duino Aurisina in the past few hours.
“These algae – explains a note from the area – produce toxins that can cause various diseases in humans (through inhalation of aerosols containing microalgae cell parts and/or toxins can cause respiratory diseases with rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis and sometimes pharyngitis associated conjunctivitis (fever, nausea or vomiting) and the environment through algal blooms that bring about environmental changes with consequent damage, even serious, to the ecosystem, such as the death of many marine organisms.
“A similar situation – noted Commissioner Scocimaro – has already occurred in the summer of 2020. The monitoring by ARPA will be continuous, and the examinations will be repeated next Thursday with the taking of new samples. And if the expected alarm threshold is exceeded – as he puts it – the municipality will have to Proceed with the ban order for the area where the seaweed is found.” (handle).

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