La Societat Espanyola d’Oncologia Mèdica (SEOM) estima que enguany es diagnosticaran 286.664 nous casos de càncer. Els tumors més freqüents diagnosticats durant este 2024 seran:
It is November 2011 when Alessandro Vespignaniwho is now director of the Northeastern Network Science Institute in Boston, writes the story “real epidemic“. Ivan the Terrible It is the hypothetical nickname for the virus of pig origin that the physicist imagined, and it belongs to the H1N1 strain. The pathogen is the root cause of […]
The investment in research infrastructure amounts to €150 million, which will be used to monitor and deal with greenhouse gas emissions over the next two and a half years. As Italy launches its plan that is among the most advanced in Europe, the Italian scientific community faces the latest results and the most advanced challenges […]
It is necessary to “remain firm in the faith” and not allow yourself to be “confused”: he writes it Benedict XVI In his spiritual testament, published by the Vatican Press House in the day he disappearedre-proposes his belief about the “reasonableness of faith”, recognizing, on the one hand, that “in dialogue with the natural sciences […]