Four students from the IIT of Vercelli in a debate on women and science in Sambonet

Four students from the IIT of Vercelli in a debate on women and science in Sambonet

Extensive participation in the conference “Women and STEM: Women’s Innovation in the Context of Manufacturing”

“Professions should be chosen on the basis of one’s abilities and emotions, not on gender”: this is the basic concept on which the four students from ITI GC Faccio of Vercelli who participated in the discussion on Monday 13 November 2023 were based. “Women and STEM: Feminist Innovation “In the context of manufacturing” promoted by Sambonet Paderno Industrie, a leading producer of high-quality table and kitchen utensils. The goal was to delve deeper into the topic, to identify the reasons why only a minority of women choose a STEM path (short for science, technology, engineering and mathematics), and to highlight the added value of women in the agency.

Nice experience

Students Alessandra Pasquino, Gaia Agrillo, Lisa Aguiari and Vanessa Zucala (Computer Science and Mechanics) organized their speech on several levels, starting with an anecdote story that actually happened, then moving on to examining statistical data and results of social experiments, making room then for reading real testimonies collected through interviews. (including audio and video) conducted with women who wanted to believe in their abilities (one of the interviews was conducted using artificial intelligence!). The girls concluded by talking about their professional dream and drawing attention to the hashtag #together (“solidarity, union”), to emphasize that only men and women “together”, who respect their diversity, are able to create a better future. The support of Massimo Benedetti and Rosario Carnovali, storytelling specialists and business coach at Miller Studio, was essential, as they guided the students to create a simple but captivating presentation. There were also many brainstorming sessions and “orchestra exercises” with the transfer teachers Prof. Cappelletto, Prof. Cignetti, Prof. Bella, and Prof. Rubino and his student, Alessio Berti, arrived at the exhibition day with the necessary calm. Special thanks also to the Sambonet team consisting of HR Business Partner Elisa Giavina, HR Specialist Monica Lisi, and Assistant Operations Manager Giorgia Ambrogeni.

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