Former Pokémon lawyer stops leaker with deadly weapon: He called his mother

Former Pokémon lawyer stops leaker with deadly weapon: He called his mother

a Former lawyer from the Pokemon series He said how do you know? Get the leak back on track Using a deadly weapon: He called his mother And he explained to her what he was doing. We specify that he was a minor, so as not to create any confusion.

Don McGowan is the lawyer who currently works at Bungie, the studio behind Destiny, but before that he was the chief legal officer of a studio associated with The Pokémon Company for more than 10 years. In an interview with Bloomberg, he shared some anecdotes about his work. Dropout Hunter For gaming companies.

One of the leakers was a kid named Andrew, who was casually posting information before stepping in. “When I was in Pokémon, a kid figured out how to get the pictures out of the card game,” McGowan recalled. “He found a developer icon and thought, ‘Oh my god, I found a new Pokémon.’ The kid included his email, and because of the way The Pokémon Company handles accounts, when we looked at his profile, we got his parental information, including his phone number.”

Host from the Pokemon series
Host from the Pokemon series

“So I called his mom and I said, ‘Look, I wanted to tell you about some of the things Andrew does on the computer.’ And she said, ‘Are you telling me he hacked your game?’ And I hear in the background, ‘I didn’t hack anything!’ I start to describe it in a more technical way, and he says, ‘Is that a problem?’ I say, ‘Hacking software is a federal crime, but I don’t want to talk about that. Why don’t we talk about the good and bad things you can do with a computer?’

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Meanwhile, Andrew was reporting the situation live on Twitter, writing in this order: “Pokemon just called home,” “What is the general counsel?” and “Now I know what I did was wrong, and I will never do it again.” That was awesome, and gave my Pokemon legend a lot of power for about five years.”

If Andrew were more mature, he would surely know that on this planet, wherever you are, if you mess with their intellectual property, sooner or later Nintendo or The Pokémon Company’s lawyer will find you and pay you.even just by going to your mother. In fact, the list of monsters that haunt children’s dreams needs an update.

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