Donna tried to smuggle 200 CPUs and iPhones with a fake baby bump –

Donna tried to smuggle 200 CPUs and iPhones with a fake baby bump –

a Chinese, man He tried to enter Zhuhai, passing through Kobe, with more than two hundred people on board CPUs and iPhones Inside a fake belly. Basically, the woman pretended to be pregnant smuggling goods, but was stopped by customs officers, who noticed that it was abnormal.

Moreover, the belly was too big for the months of pregnancy announced by the woman, who claimed to be in the fifth and sixth months.

The strange inconsistencies made the clients suspicious, who ran further tests, scanned them, and discovered the truth: the pregnancy was fake. The woman was wearing a silicone belly. His goal was to bypass customs without paying the taxes owed to CPUs and iPhones.

Obviously we bought contraband in Macau, where did it come from.

In total, there were 211 forbidden items, including 202 Alder Lake Intel CPUs and nine iPhones. The total value of the goods amounted to more than 50,000 euros.

In short, the coup went badly because of the inability of women to play the role. In fact, it seems that the main problem was precisely the aforementioned situation, and this is all very normal for someone with such a big belly.

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