Diablo 4 was bombarded with negative reviews on Metacritic for microtransactions and other issues

Diablo 4 was bombarded with negative reviews on Metacritic for microtransactions and other issues

Diablo 4 subject to classicism Bombing to Bad ratings on Metacritic for the most disparate reasons, first of all microtransactions, which according to the charges would make it look like a mobile game, despite being sold at full price.

For example, Paperkars, after giving it a 0, wrote: “Diablo IV, sorry, Diablo Immortal 2 is a no-creativity product that has been cleaned from key elements that characterize RPGs, stealth, and action. The item and crafting system were taken from the mobile game, which means that it is not Satisfying for players who expect a deeper and more detailed experience Others have commented with similar arguments, complaining about too many microtransactions.

But the bombing did not arise only from this. Other players complain about the state of the game, that is, its incompleteness, with blizzards Which should have been launched earlier, because the campaign was not completed. There are also those who compare it to Diablo II, saying they prefer the old chapter over the new, or those who say problems with the servers would make the gaming experience unstable.

The bottom line is that zero and, in general, very low marks multiply. Currently, the PC version has an average rating of 4.8, the PS5 version of 5.6 and the Xbox Series X/S version of 5.9.

For more information, read our Diablo 4 review.

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