Corona virus disease. Topol (USA): “Alternative BA.5 is the worst seen so far. We need vaccines, masks, ventilation systems and social distancing”


The founder and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute explains. ICU admissions and deaths are ‘separated’, meaning that they do not increase as much as the increase in medical admissions. This remains a problem for the organization and management of the state of the hospital.

July 11

The BA.5 variant has greater immune evasion than the other Omicron sub variants. The infectious capacity of BA.5 is more delta-like than the previous Omicron family of variants. This relationship is noteworthy as it expands the known property of BA.5 immune leakage (which has been shown to be Less reactive with the Evusheld monoclonal antibody than previous Omicron variants) also to increase infection. This may be consistent with very long anecdotal reports of negative post-infection testing of BA.5, often longer than 10 days. TheI called it the worst variant we’ve seen so far because of the severity of immune evasion and transmissibility compared to any previous form of SARS-CoV-2.

like him Eric Topolfounder and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute, in one of its subsidiaries concentration On a variant that has already been circulating heavily in Europe for quite some time. However, Topol defines this variant as the worst “not because it causes a more serious disease, which is still unclear but is possible given the characteristics of the infection similar to delta disease.” The fact, the latter, is also difficult to explain because “our immune wall makes a huge difference in the way we perceive disease caused by each subsequent variant.” What we see in many European countries and the United States is a “pattern of increased hospitalizations for BA.5, still growing, but mostly much less than observed in previous waves. The good news is that, in general, ICU admissions And deaths are separated, that is, they do not increase as much as the increase in hospitalizations.”

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This is the case in many countries. “In addition to Europe and the United States – the American scientist explains – there are new peaks of BA.5 cases in Israel, Japan, Singapore, New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, China and Brazil. Many of these peaks in cases are also accompanied by an increase in hospital admissions. In the United States, while Confirmed cases, which represent only a small portion of actual new infections, have hovered around 100,000 for weeks, there has been a significant increase in hospitalizations and hospitalizations in the ICU, albeit well below Omicron’s initial increase (now up to 40,000 instead of 160,000 In hospital at the height of BA.1).”

In San Diego County, where I live, the second largest county in California — he continues — there has been a doubling of the number of infections recently, and that may be an underestimate because of the underreporting of confirmed cases by PCR. The increase in reinfection is not surprising given the identified immune escape properties of BA.5. Our best protection against infection and reinfection with BA.5 now consists of high quality, well-fitting filtration masks, physical distancing, air filtration, ventilation, vaccination + boosters (as previously reviewed). ”

For the next updated vaccines, Topol explains that “at best, there will be no specific booster for BA.5 before November or December and this is a failed strategy for looking for variants, knowing full well that BA.5 does not. It will be the dominant virus in the cycle.” bloody within 5 to 6 months. We should anticipate the virus, by stopping behaving as spectators with “hope and prayer” no worse than what we are facing now. No, the BA has taught us once again that the virus does not fade and disappear. As it increases The virus from its mutations under the pressure of selection, we have become ironically more resistant to taking an aggressive stance with the second generation and nasal vaccines that are clearly within our reach,” he concludes.

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11 July 2022
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