Christmas weekend at the Città della Scienza events in Naples

Christmas weekend at the Città della Scienza events in Naples

The rich program of appointments and activities continues around the Christmas period at Città della Scienza.

On Saturday the 24th and Sunday the 25th, great workshops, science shows, and experiments for adults and kids await to add a little science to the holiday magic.

Among the funniest activities in the program, there is a timeless classic with very old origins: the wonderful game TANGRAM revisited in the Christmas version, with many beautiful snowflakes and shapes to be reconstructed with the elements of this festive, combining the seven geometric shapes for giving life to countless other characters. However, science shows water, air, earth and fire, in which the four elements, necessary for life on our planet, and guardians of properties that often escape the human eye, will be transformed into four superheroes and through a series of experiments devised and conducted. By the correspondents of Le Nuvole Scienza they will compete to choose the strongest.

The full program can be found at

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