CEVA / “Time and Hope” through science, art, music and entertainment with Baruffi

CEVA / “Time and Hope” through science, art, music and entertainment with Baruffi

Wedge Chronicle – Afternoons are full of great content at the Marenco Theater in Ceva. Onstage is a delicate and unprecedented contemplation proposal on “Time and Hope” through science, art, music and entertainment. A cultural event, signed by the “Barofi” Higher Institute of Ceva in cooperation with “Banco Azzoaglio”, also carried out with the support of the “Crc Foundation”, whose most prominent message must be defined in the call for dialogue, to listen, to be curious and to embrace what is different to break down common spaces and ignorance And violence in the end. A space for women-related themes, from gender discrimination with repetition of a monologue by Paola Cortelesi by student Giulia Bertin with Federica Luciano, Martina Sturay, Paola Aramini, Carola Gallo, Ariana Favoli and Martina Papa, and piano performance by student Matteo Cora, an in-depth study of the age of the woman entrusted to the professor. Franco Guerleiro, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Galliera Genova Hospital. Gorlero proposed a unique analysis of youth, maturity and longevity by fusing scientific concepts with an interesting journey into the art world, including works by Michelangelo, Klimt, Munch, Brancusi, Dali and Frida Khalo. Then the musical anthemise was entrusted to the “Barofi” troupe “Emotions” and then the theater dedicated to another distinguished guest: Dr. Roberto Rivera, Head of the Complex Structure of Asl 1 Imperiese Psychology. Ravera is also the president of the non-profit organization “Fhm Italia” that supports the NGO “Ravera Child Rehabilitation Center (RCRC)”, which has been working for years in Sierra Leone to support abused children, children with trauma or mental disabilities. and children in juvenile prisons. He recounted, with special sympathy, his astonishing journey to places bordering on inhumanity, where poverty meant poor access to medical care, forced minor labor, poor schooling, and grand corruption. All are amplified by powerful images, capable of documenting a harsh reality that is often unimaginable.

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“Our association, from 2009 until today, has received 8000 children who have been tortured, abused, tortured and abandoned in front of our gate or among the garbage – Explanation to the audience -. Whoever saw their parents being killed, who grew up with a machine gun and learned to war. For this reason, the symbols of affection are missing. One of our goals is to emotionally rebuild children before it is too late, before they can pass on their mental state to their children when they become adults.” Rivera also wrote a book about his experience: “Sierra Leone. The Anthropology of a Separate World.” “Baruffi” wanted to be perceptibly close to his association: in the Marenco Theater, artworks created in earlier days by students who reproduced paintings by great writers were shown. The paintings have been put up for sale and the proceeds will go to the non-profit organization Fhm Italia. “Great event for a great cause – said School Principal Mara Ferrero -. A rich afternoon gave voice to the boys and speakers Gurlio and Rivera, two good friends whom I sincerely thank. Thank you to those who supported the project financially, thanks to “Banco Azzoaglio” and “Fondazione Crc” , to all the students and teachers who made the initiative a success and to my valued staff.” “Support for education is our main driver – continued Erica Zoglio -. Education means inclusion: only in this way will social barriers be overcome.” “Behind the grant awarded – continued Massimo Jolla for “Fondazione” Crc “- We are talking about money, but above all about people and ideas. Desire to do something is essential, enthusiasm for the area you can look forward to with you students.” “Greetings and my sincere thanks to the sons of“ Barovy ”- commented the mayor of Ceva Vincenzo Bezzone – who are able to show, on every occasion, incredible sensitivity and solidarity. You are the pride of our society ».

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