Calvino and Astronomy, a must-listen site

Calvino and Astronomy, a must-listen site

Italo Calvino and some illustrations created by Iside Montanari for the Astrologos Project. Source:

She was born under the sign of Pisces – today, Friday, February 25 – and she is called astrology. But don’t be fooled: the focus is on Secondly “o” is a project in which words and astronomy converge. words Italo Calvino so is Qfwfqthe narrator cosmic. The words he read Claudio CasadioAnd the stage actor And the cinematicwrapped in music federica sweatshirtsaccompanied by illustrations by Isis Montanari and collected in neat site Developed by Paula Dimauro.

The There are five proposed floors: “light years”, “moon distance”, “without colors”, “at the dawn of the day”, “all in one point”. They are all inspired by astronomy topics, and each is commented on – always word of mouth, this is a site to listen to – by four astronomers and an astronomer: Ariana CorteseThe same Paula DimauroAnd the Marco GrossiAnd the Claudia Minione And the Laura Schreiber.

«Calvino is a great love that I, Claudia and Marco share. Claudia and I have been thinking about the possibility of reading Calvino since we met twenty years ago,” recalls Cortesi, who is originally from Romania, graduated in Bologna with a PhD in Nottingham (UK) and is now a researcher Post-doctoral In Brazil, in Rio de Janeiro. Calvino, like many writers and poets of the period, had an intuition about existence, a depth of knowledge, a light in the multimedia world, where everything is fast and light. However, Calvino himself in American lessons He talks about lightness as an essential quality of the future scientist. In Calvino there is the serenity that comes from respecting the knowledge that men have developed over time and there is the smile, the sarcasm that comes from the love of man in his heart. humanity. Calvino was probably therapeutic in the first moments of the pandemic, it passed me (and many) far from home, from Italy.”

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Indeed, in the first months of the pandemic the idea of ​​Astrologos was born and formed, which later became a project determinant From the Office of Astronomy for Development (Oad) From yaw The International Astronomical Union is among those associated with the COVID-19 emergency.

“That was the moment of the epidemic when Online Free movies, circus shows, concerts… A free and brotherly world. I always have a nostalgic memory of the first moments of an epidemic,” says Cortese. “And I thought about cosmicHow wonderful, deep and ridiculous Calvino, how can we do it all Online … And I thought of Claudia, knowing full well that she shared her passion for Calvino cosmicMarco has a friend and colleague in Rio. I thought of Federica, with whom I had been collaborating for years on art and astronomy projects. I thought of Isis, with whom I also developed various projects in the past. Above all, I thought of Claudio Casadio, an actor whom I respect very much and hoped he would agree to collaborate for the love of art and science.”

And so it went. A site if you love art and science – astronomy in particular – is a site worth visiting and listening to. You can find it at

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