Brain care has no age; find out how to do it!

Brain care has no age; find out how to do it!

Stimulate and nurture your mind with these 7 tips.Question 1

Taking care of our mind is essential to good mental health, among many other factors. This organ is the most important in our body; since this is what He directs our actions and behaviors. If the process fails, there may be: Serious health problems: From mobility problems to heart problems.The brain is our central computer, where commands are sent to the body, so that it functions properly. If you want to find out how to take care of it and avoid degenerative diseases such as: Alzheimer’sGet started with this series of tips.

Seven Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Brain

“Prevention and early recognition at the first symptoms are vital to reduce the social and health impact of neurological diseases,” comments Dr. José Miguel Lainez, head of the center. ageWe know how to prevent cardiovascular disease, obesity, and diabetes… but we probably don’t know how to Prevent disease that affects our brain.

That’s why neuroscience experts offer seven keys to: Keeping this essential organ in excellent condition.

Take care of your mind

  • The first is that it is necessary. Stimulate our brain activity And staying mentally active. That’s why there are so many activities we can do like reading, writing, memorizing phone numbers, playing board games, doing crafts, completing crossword puzzles, learning and practicing a new language, etc.

  • In addition, it is necessary Avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Doing some kind of physical activity on a regular basis, either by playing a sport, or by walking daily for at least 30 minutes.

  • Strengthening social and emotional relationships Avoid isolation, social isolation and of course stress.
  • make oneDiet balancedAvoid excess animal fats and salt and encourage the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

  • Bring Healthy lifestyle habits, No alcohol, no tobacco, no drugs. And of course, get 8 hours of sleep a day.

  • Control high blood pressureBecause it is the main risk factor for cerebrovascular diseases such as stroke.
  • Protecting the brain from physical attacks From the outside through the systematic use of seat belts in vehicles and helmets when traveling by motorcycle.
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