Borsa Italiana, commentary of the March 8, 2023 hearing

Borsa Italiana, commentary of the March 8, 2023 hearing

In general, top bankers. Fincantieri is in sharp decline after the financial data for fiscal year 2022. The Euro is confirmed below $1.055.

Borsa Italiana, commentary of the March 8, 2023 hearingThe main indices of the Italiana Stock Exchange and the main European financial centres Experience partial changes.

At 10.30 FTSEMib It increased by 0.09%, to 27,787 points, while it rose FTSE Italia All Share It recovered 0.07%. opposite direction to Medium hat from FTSE Italia (-0.12%) and l Star of FTSE Italy (+0.03%).

the Bitcoins It fell to $22,000 (down from €21,000).

the BTP-Bund spread It returned over 180 pips, with the 10-year BTP yield remaining below 4.55%.

L’euro It is confirmed below $1.055.

Generally upside down Banking services.

increasing UniCredit (+ 1.01% to €19,276). From the correspondence issued by Consob, we learn that on February 28, 2023, Edoardo Mercadante reduced the total stake in the institute led by Andrea Orcel from 5.002% to 4.998%.

better performance for BancoBPM (+ 1.54% to 4.227 euros).

Nixie Retracement test (+0.81% to €7.71)After the decrease recorded the previous day.

fincantieri It decreased by 5.15%, to 0.5615 euros. The company reported the funded results for the fiscal year 2022 and provided some indications for the current year. In particular, Fincantieri expects to maintain full production capacity by 2023 which will allow for a level of revenue broadly in line with 2022, with an improvement in margins to values ​​of around 5%.

At Euronext Growth, Milan focused on the Reway Group, on the day of its debut in the price list for dynamic and competitive small and medium enterprises. address in 5.81% increase At a price of 3.28 euros. The company’s shares were placed at 3.1 euros, with an initial capitalization of 94.1 million euros.

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