'Big jump' in approval of studies with partnership agreement

'Big jump' in approval of studies with partnership agreement

“The problem of the recognition of degrees offered by the University of Andorra (UdA) in other European countries has been resolved.” But ratifying the partnership agreement would mean “another big leap forward, especially in regulated professions.” This is confirmed by its president, Miquel Nicolau, who is also a strong advocate of the benefits of the agreement and does not hide from it.

Academic recognition within the European Higher Education Area, of which Andorra is a full member, like the rest of the countries that make up the Council of Europe, is fully guaranteed, explains Nicolaou. He defends them strongly: “Our qualifications are those of the European Higher Education Area, as well as those of France, Spain, Portugal and Germany.”

Hence, a person who obtained a master's degree in the emirate can go and obtain another degree abroad without any problem. The opposite is also true. As the Rector of the UdA points out, in most professions and studies, since they are not regulated, it is the labor market that requires professionals to have the necessary skills to be able to work. To give an example, a computer scientist who studied here and goes to work in Germany or outside Europe, they will ask him what his knowledge is. “So there is no problem,” he confirms.
Nursing condition

Nicolau points out that the difficulties lie in the so-called regulated professions. because? There are a range of regulated professions in Europe, which are all medical, architectural and veterinary professions, and have directives that all EU countries must adhere to. Since it is compulsory for everyone, people who have studied, for example nursing, have direct access to it.

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Continuing the case of nursing, a person who pursues these studies at the University of Andorra must go through the process of recognition of his qualifications in each country. In this sense, Nicolau points out that in France, “since we are recognized in health law,” this means that the UdA diploma is considered a French qualification, “and therefore, they can practice directly.” There is also an agreement with Spain to approve qualifications for access to nursing. Instead, bilateral agreements must be concluded with other countries. “We know that at the moment, all the people who went to work abroad, for academic reasons, have already been able to work, but if the agreement goes ahead, because it is a structured clause with guidelines, it will be recognized automatically,” he notes.

Therefore, a nursing graduate can go to work as a nurse in any of the 27 EU countries as well as the three countries that have an association and also in San Marino. This would represent “undoubtedly a step forward”, because in the case of Spain “the procedures are long” and it may be months before this approval becomes effective, the UDA rector insists.

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