Be careful if you have children between 1 and 3 years old

Be careful if you have children between 1 and 3 years old

Beware of hand, foot and mouth disease in children

We are at the gates summer I This season is really bad because he usually appears at his strongest Hand, foot and mouth disease. This disease is very common in children under 3 years of age; next to, It is very contagious. It is a mild viral infection and can appear at any time of the year. Learn how it spreads, the symptoms, and what to do if it spreads.

Its main symptoms are the appearance of blisters in the mouth, palms of the hands and feet. Hence the name. the children Between 1 and 3 years are the main victims of this disease. Those responsible for these very special vesicles are: Enteroviruses.

newlyEnteric Virus Unit of the National Center for Microbiology (CNM) of the Carles III Institute of Health,He conducted a study on this viruspublished in the Journal of Virology, concluded that Cases of this disease or vesicles associated with A Spain In the last years.

the case? We probably will Increase in circulation of one serotype of enterovirus, specifically Coxsackievirus CVA6, which was not discovered in our country until 2010.

But don’t worry! Microbiologists explain that “the increase in cases is not a cause for concern and its danger does not appear to be greater.”

In any case, Researchers recommend improved surveillance for enteroviruses in mucocutaneous manifestationsWith the aim of facilitating the identification of new types or variants of enteroviruses that… They may be linked to disease outbreaks and more serious illnesses.

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Is it contagious? What are the symptoms?

We insist that this disease is usually childish and mild, It is transmitted easily, through direct contact:

  • Fecal-oral (fecal)
  • and air (discharges from the nose or mouth or droplets expelled when coughing)

Pediatricians Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP) Explain it:

  • The virus is found in the stool, especially in the respiratory tract, several weeks after infection.
  • It can survive for a long time in things that children handle and usesuch as napkins, tables, sheets, towels… which makes the transportation process very simple.
  • And more, Children can spread the virus without showing symptoms of foot-and-mouth disease.

The incubation period is 3 to 6 days. The symptoms that will appear on them will be:

  • A few days of moderate fever and discomfort
  • When the fever stops, the rash (skin rash) typical of this virus will appear: Blisters in the mouth (palate, gums, or tongue), on the palms of the hands and feet, and in the diaper area
  • These blisters do not itch and will heal in 5 to 10 days After his appearance.

There is no cure and it can happen more than once

The only thing parents have left when their children contract foot-and-mouth disease is themselves Painkillers and patience. Because this disease has no specific treatment is unusual to reduce fever and discomfort.

In addition, RAs the Spanish Pediatric Society explained, having the disease does not mean immunization.

The large number of phenotypes of enteroviruses can cause our child to become ill again.

So the best thing is to try to prevent infection. how? By washing your hands regularly, Especially after changing diapers And disinfect surfaces that may be contaminated (Changing table, sheets, blankets in the car…).

And a little of that, because None of them are developed today Serum Which works against enteroviruses.

These are the blisters that may appear

Can I send the child to school or nursery?

If we have achieved anything after suffering through the pandemic, it is this Any small symptoms that appear on the child are considered sufficient reason to leave him at home. This may have prevented many infections in children.

but AEP pediatricians explain that in the case of hand, foot and mouth disease, leaving them at home does not always prevent infection. because? Well, because it often is This infection does not produce symptoms. So Do not take them to school or Nursery school When blisters appear, this does not guarantee in any way that we will avoid transmitting the virus to the rest of our colleagues. If the child is healthy, does not have a fever, and the blisters do not cause much trouble, the Pediatricians They think he can go to class without a problem.

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