Anna Morrone speaks frankly about Clerici’s daughter: “Every week when I lived in Rome…”

Anna Morrone speaks frankly about Clerici’s daughter: “Every week when I lived in Rome…”

Anna Morrone, the wonderful cook of Antonella Clerici’s daughter. What he did for her every week when he was in Rome.

there Anna Morrone Which you certainly wouldn’t expect. The cook who has also been there for years and years A much appreciated TV face By Italians of all ages, for a long time we no longer see her working on television in company Antonella Clerici. This saddened their fans because she definitely showed up Very united and interconnected.

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Let’s say it at a time Cook testIn which the presenter also appeared in the role of author, Moroni was almost always present. I was abandoned when I came to his command Elisa Isoardi. But when then? Cleary He returned to accompany us with another cooking program They are not included among his stable emotions.

Obviously we’re talking about It’s always midday Which is going great. But very recently Moroni He made a huge and unexpected sleeve A pleasant surprise at Clerici, and throw them into the studio. Hugs and sweet words and True passion for both of them. So their relations are good. And in the past?

Anna Morrone speaks frankly about Clerici’s daughter

And we mean, citing the past, in recent years, as we mentioned earlier, The cookwhich has never completely disappeared from television and much less from social media where it is often exposed Interesting and real recipes To his fans, He no longer cooperates closely with Antonelinaas she likes to call it.

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This left a classic bad taste in the mouths of most who began to suspect this was happening Some violent altercations between themOr he expelled them in some way. The truth is that now I That blew up J.JWhat did she do when she was in Rome?. consideration MylaThe only daughter of the presenter. she Without complacency.

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What did he do while he was in Rome?

On the occasion of the birthday of the little girl, who today is a beautiful fourteen year old and has started attending classical high school, and she is a great scientist, I spilled the beans. She posted a photo on Instagram where she showed off a delicious donut. For years when I worked in Rome every week I made her her favorite donuts Which today is Miley.

This was a very nice revelation of the cook Clerici saw him as A second mother. By releasing these words he gave it to a large number of web users recipe With lots of ingredients. He also took the opportunity to wish the little girl a happy birthday which she would certainly have been very happy to receive from her Someone very dear to her.

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