And thus strengthens his defense against the threat of China

And thus strengthens his defense against the threat of China

Taiwan Will buy up to 400 rockets fleeing from the United States. growing threat from China that By “encircling” the island, you are making the Taiwan government seek cover. News of the purchase of missiles from the United States comes from The new Bloomberg, which quoted a business group leader and executives holding the file.

On April 7, the Pentagon announced a $1.17 billion contract for 400 anti-ship missiles without naming the buyer, saying production would be completed by March 2029. Bloomberg later revealed it to be Taiwan. Even if no comments or confirmations of the agreement came from the Pentagon, the spokesperson nonetheless stated: “the The United States provides Taiwan with the necessary defense services to enable it to maintain an adequate self-defense capability».

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In 2020, Taiwan said it plans to purchase Boeing-made Harpoon anti-ship missiles as part of its military modernization efforts. When asked about the 400 missiles, Taiwan Defense Ministry spokesman Sun Li-fang explained at a press conference that the ministry had given information about the purchase, and added that it was. «Confident» The transaction will continue as scheduled.

Details of the contract with Boeing (BA.N) issued by the US Naval Air Systems Command on behalf of Taiwan emerges from the report revealed by Bloomberg. This is the first time that the island’s government has received this kind of military supplies by land, while – explained Robert Hammond Chambers, Chairman of the Taiwan Affairs Council – so far they have only received missiles that can be launched from ships, not from land.

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US House of Representatives Speaker Kevin McCarthy hosted Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen in California this month and stressed the need to speed up arms deliveries to Taiwan in the face of growing threats from China. After the meeting, Mike Gallagher, the Republican chairman of the CPC House Select Committee, said he would like to find a way to get Harpoon anti-ship missiles to Taiwan ahead of those planned for Saudi Arabia.

In 2020, Taiwan said it would buy Boeing Harpoon anti-ship land-based missiles as part of its military modernization efforts.

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Meanwhile, China denies its desire to attack the island, and during the G7 foreign ministers’ meeting in Japan, it attacked the United States: “They ignored China’s official position and objective facts, grossly interfered in internal affairs, distorted and discredited themselves,” said the foreign ministry spokesperson. Wang Wenbin interjected, describing the joint final statement as “full of arrogance, prejudice, and evil intentions against China and containing China.”

Wang added at the daily press conference that Beijing “expresses strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to this, and makes strong complaints to Japan, which hosted the meeting.” He is also critical of the United States. China is “strongly dissatisfied and resolutely opposed” to the US selling 400 Harpoon anti-ship missiles to Taiwan to prevent the invasion of Chinese forces. Wang added, “Facts have shown that the current situation in the Taiwan Strait is facing a new round of tension, and the root cause is that the Taiwanese authorities have repeatedly tried to rely on the United States for independence.” While some people in the United States intend to «use Taiwan to contain China. Playing with fire is very dangerous.

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