US Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez He said he was raped at the age of twenty During a pro-abortion rally in New York. Ocasio-Cortez added that she was grateful at the time that she had the choice of whether or not to have an abortion. “When I was about 22 or 23, I was raped while staying here New York CityHe told the crowd gathered in Union Square Park. “I was completely alone. I felt completely alone. The Democrat star revealed I was so alone that I took a pregnancy test in a public bathroom in midtown Manhattan. When I sat there waiting for the result, all I thought was thank God I had one choice over Least,” saying that eventually the test came back negative.
Suggestion: open IVG clinics
“But it doesn’t matter. This is not a women’s rights issue but an issue that affects all of us. I asked the congressman the US president Joe Biden to respond to Supreme Court decision Opening “abortion clinics immediately on federal land in republican states will enforce the ban. There are things about actions the president can take immediately. This is the first step, the smallest. Even Senator Deem Elizabeth Warren He called on the president to “explore the extent to which federal land can be used to protect women who need access to abortion in all states that have prohibited or are in the process of abortion. There is much that we can do at the federal level administratively under existing law.” Warren insisted.
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