Alberto Nunez Viejo defends dialogue with Junts

Alberto Nunez Viejo defends dialogue with Junts

BarcelonaNot only did the PSOE change its rhetoric with Carles Puigdemont. Also PP. Although the Popular Party confirmed after the Spanish elections that it would not negotiate with Juntes, its leader, Alberto Nunez Viejo, admitted in September that he had maintained contacts for the inauguration. He stressed that “there were contacts, we said that, and we never denied it,” although the People’s Party had not yet clarified that these talks had taken place. This dialogue sparked strong criticism from the Vox party, but it also sparked unrest among the people, and even more so when Figo in February put on the table a pardon for Puigdemont if he showed remorse and abandoned unilateralism.

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A year later, Vigo is no longer in hiding and believes his party can “talk” with the Junts, because “they have representation in the Chamber of Deputies and vote behind them.” This is what he said in an interview with the reasonIn it, he stressed that the limit of popularity is “to talk to everyone except those with a past associated with terrorism,” referring to E. H. Beldow. Although he admitted that Gontz “needs reconciliation with the law,” he stressed that dialogue was possible: “The conversation is not agreement or surrender,” as he put it. In this sense, he made it clear that the PP would not accept a referendum on self-determination or even a fiscal pact if Juntes demanded it as a condition for supporting a motion of no confidence against Pedro Sánchez.

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Despite criticizing the Spanish president’s concessions for independence, the PP leader said Sánchez cheated the former Catalan president with the amnesty law because, according to Figo, it was “unworkable and unconstitutional”, apart from being “illegal and immoral”. . He added: “If Puigdemont finds out that he has been deceived, and I believe that he has been deceived, or that he is a combination of deception and letting himself be deceived, then we will see what decision he will make,” raising suspicions that he will be deceived. This is in implementation of the decisions of the Public Prosecution of the Supreme Court.

In this sense, Figo said that Puigdemont can return to the state “whenever he wants,” but he must make himself “at the disposal of the Supreme Court.” That is why he predicted that “the Sánchez government began in Catalonia and may end in Catalonia.” Mainly because the amnesty law “contradicts the rule of law, the Constitution and European treaties.” This explains, in his opinion, “the serious warning already issued by the prosecutors of the Supreme Court, who refuse to apply it, as demanded by the State Attorney, who only follows government orders.”

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