According to science, this harmless drink significantly accelerates aging

According to science, this harmless drink significantly accelerates aging

We knew it was bad for health…but we had no idea what the consequences of aging would be. Indeed, according to scientists, this sweet drink accelerates the “deterioration” of our body.

What is this ?

Premature Aging: This is the drink that accelerates the deterioration of cells

It is actually soft drink It is the root of the accelerated aging of our body … and it is scientifically proven! In fact, a studio Conducted in 2014, published in the magazine American Journal of Public HealthDrinking soda can cause premature aging at the cellular level.

Withcan i explain it Scientists have actually found that people who drink more soda tend to have shorter telomeres within their white blood cells. Telomeres are actually sections of DNA found at the end of chromosomes.

However, over the years, the fact that telomeres are shorter than normal has been proven to reproduce Marked reduction in longevity and life expectancy. At the same time, this also leads to a significant increase in the risk of infection Chronic diseases develop.

Elisa Ebel, Professor of Psychiatry atUniversity of California San FranciscoExplain the phenomenon in more detail to our colleagues from all of this : “Regular consumption of sugar can influence disease progression, not only by putting pressure on the body’s control of sugar metabolism, but also Accelerate the aging of cellular tissue.

It also specifies that this note is always valid regardless of the age, race, salary or even education level of the individual concerned.

Another scientific study confirms this hypothesis. Published in 2021 in the magazine Current nutritional reports, the latter shows that the consumption of sugary drinks (eg soda) is closely related to disturbances of the intestinal microbiome and inflammation but also to oxidative stress … However, these three elements contribute to premature aging.

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Soda is an instant pleasure, of course, but it poses a real long-term health hazard…so think twice before drinking it next time! ?

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