A pellet stove, is it really a panacea for all diseases? Pros and Cons

A pellet stove, is it really a panacea for all diseases?  Pros and Cons

Expensive energy is already having such devastating effects on the economy of Italian families that they are looking for every possible alternative to heating, abandoning the classic “expensive” radiators. Among the options, the presence of a pellet stove stands out, but is it really that effective?

Inflation, the energy crisis, war and climate change are all themes that will unfortunately accompany us this coming winter. To avoid paying expensive bills, the Italians began to install pellet stoves, but what are the minuses of this choice?

A pellet stove, is it really a panacea for all diseases?  Pros and Cons
Pros and cons of granules – solofinanza.it

Advantages of pellet stove

Companies that produce pellet stoves already promise so many advantages to potential customers that they are more likely to convince them to make a purchase, however, many of them are more than just objective advantages.

From 2010 to 2018, the use of wood biomass thermal generators increased from 6 to 20% but only a small part is represented by pellet stoves. However, this number is expected to rise a lot in the coming years precisely to meet the energy crisis and expensive bills.

What are the advantages of a pellet stove?

First of all, the burner has bonuses to support economical purchase and installation, pellets used for combustion are much cheaper than gas and maintenance does not require special skills. Cleaning is very easy and does not involve the release of any odors or fumes that can harm family members.

If pellets are not available, you can choose to purchase (if the stove supports them) virgin pomace peanuts, which consist entirely of waste sawdust that is pressed which makes this resource very economical.

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Finally, a pellet stove is great for the environment, as it uses waste materials to operate and pollutes much less than alternative heating systems on the market.

Disadvantages of a pellet stove

Before purchasing a fireplace, you should also consider the defects that it encounters, so that you can fully assess whether the solution is the right one for your home.

The pellet stove needs electricity to operate, so in the event of a surge or power outage, you should wait a while for it to cool completely before turning it back on.

For installation, you need the approval of a specialist who will assess the suitability of the house before buying. In fact, the chosen environment should exceed 6 square meters and should be equipped with a fireproof floor.

Pros and cons of a pellet stove - solofinanza.it
Pros and cons of a pellet stove – solofinanza.it

The pellet stove cannot be installed in the garage, in garages, in boxes in bathrooms, in studios and in bedrooms, in addition, it has a fan that is not completely silent, which can disturb the inhabitants of the house.

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