La tosferina ha experimentat un ràpid creixement a partir de l’estiu marcant l’inici de “una nova ona pandémica”, segons un estudi de l’Institut Salut Carlos III que constata 2.560 casos en 2023 i un bebé d’un mes mort eixe any, sense condicions de risc, però la mare del qual no s’havia vacunat en la gestació.
“Until recently Forest fires in Canada They did not send plumes of smoke over the densely populated cities around the Great Lakes region and along the East Coast“for the United States of America,”Few people in those cities had experienced the eerie orange haze of wildfires or the temporary rise in fine particulate matter and the […]
by Maria Luisa Anini March 21 – Dear Director,Professor Ivan Kavici’s latest book “The Incomparable Science. Medicine, Doctors and Patients” is an expression of a need that has become more urgent among physicians and health professionals than the undeniable but unspoken crisis of medicine, which everyone realizes even if it is accepted in public only […]
The story that led the mathematician to formalize one of the foundations of science in the second half of the twentieth century. Even the famous conference in 1972, where he asked if a butterfly could cause a tornado in Texas One of the most important discoveries and one of the most famous images of science […]