Optics, optics, arts and sciences

Optics, optics, arts and sciences

me “Tuesday at the Pollini Museum”, organized by the museum in cooperation with the INFN department of Padua, is hosting a meeting with Antonio RossettiProfessor of the degree course in optics and optometry at the University of Padua.

“eye lenses” spread in a “practical” way: before the science of lenses and knowledge of the causes of vision problems. It is exclusive to optometrists and optometrists even today. At the base, knowledge that feeds on dialogue with other disciplines. This contact traces the history of optics and optometry, from the tenth century to the present day. Through historical documents we attempt to highlight how an operational and independent approach to the ‘arts’ – such as that of the optician (in the role of the craftsman, not the craftsman or artist) – is intertwined with the scientific approach. In evidence: unknown aspects of correcting ametropias; optics and optometry that evolve with strange analogies; Proximity to the field of physics (the department in which the field of optics and optometry is now located at the University of Padova). A perspective with some limitations but also for centuries-old efficacy.

To participate in the presence ofThe Register.
The event is also broadcast on YouTube Live.

Tuesdays program at the Pollini Museum (PDF)

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