Cloud-only Xbox Game Pass subscription coming from Microsoft?

Cloud-only Xbox Game Pass subscription coming from Microsoft?

Microsoft will think about it. Xbox Game Pass Cloud Only SubscriptionThis is reported by journalist Jez Corden, who claims to have “heard of” a new, cheaper, more accessible tier specifically for the cloud.

According to Corden’s sources, this will be a fictional subscription. For users who do not want to purchase an XboxMaybe because they already own another console or because they don’t want to face the upfront costs involved in purchasing a platform.

That’s not all: the journalist also said that according to some rumors, the experiment was conducted using Xbox Game Pass Friends and Family Plan Isn’t Over Yet It may be back, though Microsoft only tested the service in two regions before shelving it.

a Family plan It would allow for cost optimization as you need to share an Xbox Game Pass subscription with your family members, but it is clear that a potential revival of the offer could offer higher prices than the original ones.

On all possible screens

Jez Cordon’s findings seem plausible because they suggest that The same trend has been pointed out several times by Microsoft.That is, bringing Game Pass to as many screens as possible and thus overcoming the idea that the service must necessarily be tied to an Xbox console.

The recent launch of Xbox Cloud on Amazon Fire TV Stick devices is another piece of the puzzle as well. The perfect starting point For subscription dedicated to streaming games only.

“A lot of what Microsoft is doing today with Game Pass is about finding it. Brand new to Xbox users“Finding growth by cutting costs, raising prices, and pumping more in-game revenue into the existing user base is a strategy with severe limitations,” Corden wrote.

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