What is it, what are its types, what does it mean according to its color, and how can it be fought

What is it, what are its types, what does it mean according to its color, and how can it be fought

the Nasal congestion that day mucus she is one from symptoms Common flu and colds, In addition to cough, sore throat, headache, and general malaise. Since Christmas, emergency services have been on the verge of collapse due to the explosion Of cases fist a And to a lesser extent, the increase in infections due to Covid-19.

We all have one or more people around us who are suffering respiratory system diseases. Hence, the health authorities imposed the mask mandatory in health centers and hospitals (and dentists also recommend using it in clinics), to avoid the spread of cases.

Although when faced with a cold or flu, the first thing that comes to mind is what is known as Anti-influenza medications.

'Triademia' continues to develop in Spain: How do I know if I have influenza, a cold or Covid-19? Eduardo Parra – Europe Press

These medications relieve the most bothersome symptoms of respiratory viruses, but not by much Take care of our food To be fully healed as soon as possible (which will never be before a week).

What is phlegm and why is it produced?

Zombies It is a type of mucus found in the lungs and airways.

Although it is very uncomfortable during flu or catarrh surgeries, Phlegm has a protective functionAs he explains to us Doctor Mario Barcena Caamañoa member of the Respiratory Diseases Group at Spanish Association of General Practitioners and Family Physicians.

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Mucus also contains protective substances such as immunoglobulin A, and enzymes such as lysozyme (A protein that protects against bacteria and infections) which promotes the destruction of bacteria.”

  • “Something similar happens in the upper respiratory tract (nostrils and sinuses) and we usually call the overproduced mucus that originates in the lungs phlegm.”

A productive cough is the body's way of expelling this excess mucus Which, as we mentioned, occurs in respiratory infections such as colds, influenza, or bronchitis. Although it can also occur chronically in people who smoke or have allergies, asthma, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Types of phlegm

  • Transparent flames. It's the usual color Texture similar to egg white“. In case of colds or allergies it can take on a white color.
  • Yellow, brown, or green phlegm. that it An almost unambiguous sign of infection. “This change in color and amount of mucus is observed in both viral and bacterial infections, so what The fact that the phlegm is green does not mean the need to use antibiotics“If, in addition to green phlegm, there is fever, discomfort or pain in one side, it is important to consult a doctor immediately,” explains Dr. Barcena Caamaño.
  • Flames Rouge. It may be due to the presence of blood in the phlegm due to the same irritation of the pharynx. However, it is a Common symptoms of diseases such as pneumonia, tuberculosis or lung cancer.
  • Black phlegm. It is common in Cases of high pollution Atmosphere

Mucus is a symptom of the common cold World Health Organization/Harold Ruiz – Archive

What to do if you have excess phlegm

The specialist explains that “it is not required to follow a special diet,” but as it is known, A A healthy and balanced diet.

However, it is very important Increase fluid intake so that “phlegm becomes less thick and is expelled better”.

Not just water, It can also be made with fruits, juices, broths and infusions, such as timona, ginger, licorice or mint.. Although the doctor specifies that “there is no evidence of its effectiveness.”

  • “but, Honey seems to have shown some effectiveness It can be added to a hot infusion, such as lemon juice, for example.

Foods and drinks to avoid

There is no food that is explicitly recommended against eating Influenza surgeries. Plentiful meals that contain a lot of fat and soft drinks should be avoided.

Although it has always been heard that drinking milk can increase mucus production, Dr. Barcena Caamaño denies this. “In healthy populations There is no evidence recommending avoiding dairy products in acute processes with increased phlegm“.

Other tips for getting rid of mucus

  • Humid environment at home To enhance phlegm.
  • Avoid toxic habits: No smoking.

  • Do not use antibiotics, as they are ineffective against respiratory viruses.

  • Ventilate properly.
  • Cough effectively: Inhale deeply, pause briefly, and cough forcefully two or three times.
  • use Moisturizer Or saunas.

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