Headquarters Egil writes, after saying goodbye to her friend and speaking of the excruciating pain she feels, “I heard a thousand voices around me saying: “It’s nobody’s fault,” but I don’t think so… I think it’s everyone’s fault a little bit… We live in a world made up of people who convince themselves they have to be strong, a world where Vulnerabilities are not accepted, everAnd being fragile is almost a shame.” And again: “Anyone calls you for help, but then no one has ears to listen.”
Then he goes back to talking to the young woman—Bonifacio is about 27, eight years older than she is—and tells her, “You need time to accept what happened, that precious time you tell me you’ve remembered the value.” And I want to sit and meditate on you, me, on what is really worthy and I would like everyone to do, an examination of conscience TRUE”.
Perhaps Julia Ituma threw herself into the void on the night between Wednesday and Thursday, after a defeat in the Champions League semi-finals, but above all, after a night spent in the hotel corridors among cell phones and tears. An event that shook all of Italy, not just the world of volleyball or sports. Sunday morning, the girl’s body arrived in ItalyShe was slightly preceded by her mother and sister, who, in disbelief, hurried off to Istanbul. Funeral services are scheduled for Tuesday morning at 11in the Basilica of San Filippo Neri in the Bovesca district of Milan.
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