50% of young people want a more active role in climate policy

50% of young people want a more active role in climate policy

72% of young Spaniards have a “high” level of awareness of the importance of caring for the environment, according to the report Energy Transition and Gender Equality: Opportunities for Spanish Youth, presented yesterday in Madrid by the IE Foundation and the Cepsa Foundation. The study also reveals that 50% of young people in Spain want to be more involved in climate policy-making.

This document analyzes the vision of Spanish youth in this process of change and how economic and social transformation can be an opportunity to promote gender equality. In this regard, awareness of the importance of caring for the environment increases among girls by 74% compared to boys, where the awareness rate reaches 70%. In addition, the study revealed that the higher the income and education level of boys, the greater environmental awareness, while girls always show the same level of awareness, regardless of education or income level.

Indeed, young people’s ignorance of the gender-related aspects of the energy transition has been highlighted, which the report suggests more awareness of among young people as well as noting the “great opportunity” that the green transition represents to attract women to it. Renewable energy sectors (to be the most developed sector) and reducing the gender gap in “traditionally” male sectors.

On the other hand, one in three young people is thinking about the possibility of working in areas related to the environment and new energies, because sustainability, according to the study, is an aspect that increases the attractiveness of companies for teenagers.

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