2024 Olympics Today’s results in Paris live. Live

2024 Olympics Today’s results in Paris live. Live
Day 15 of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games was supposed to be Gianmarco Tamberi’s day in the high jump final at Paris 2024, but the Italian champion wrote on social media: “It’s all over. Another kidney cramp tonight. Not me. I know how I’m going to do it, but I’m going to get on the podium.” Of the day’s races, Ethiopian Temirat Tola won the men’s marathon. Gregorio Paltineri and Rossella Fiamingo will be Italy’s flag bearers at the closing ceremony tomorrow. The Italians, who are also a married couple in life, will parade at the Stade de France as the Italian representative.

Yesterday, Italy won its 11th gold medal thanks to Chiara Consonni and Vittoria Guzzini in the Madison women’s cycling event. Nadia Batocletti won silver in the women’s 10,000m. There were also four bronze medals: third place for Sofia Raffaelli in individual rhythmic gymnastics, Nino Pizzolato in weightlifting, Simone Alessio in taekwondo -80kg, and Andy Diaz in triple jump. After days of controversy, Imane Khelif won the gold medal in the 66kg category of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, in the final match – played in the ring in the middle of the Philippe Chatrier square – the Algerian boxer in the center. She caused controversy in the days of last year, when she beat the Chinese Liu Yang on points.




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“”postId”:”8f2643af-931a-4bcd-a38d-57ad0f16d208″}],”post”:[{“timestamp”:”2024-08-10T12:32:19.895Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-08-10T14:32:19+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Pallavolo maschile, Francia d’oro”,”content”:”

La nazionale francese di volley maschile ha trionfato nella finale davanti al pubblico di casa bissando il successo di Tokyo e laureandosi di nuovo come campioni olimpici. Nell’ultimo atto i transalpini, allenati dal nostro Andrea Giani, hanno sconfitto la Polonia con i parziali di 25-15, 25-20, 25-23.

“,”postId”:”08df8b35-fd95-4fa2-9384-a977cfe556cd”},{“timestamp”:”2024-08-10T12:13:36.208Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-08-10T14:13:36+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Iniziata la finale della ginnastica ritmica”,”content”:”

È cominciata la finale di ginnastica ritmica, all-around a squadre. Le nostre Martina Centofanti, Alessia Maurelli, Daniela Mogurean, Laura Paris, Agnese Duranti sono settime nell’ordine di esibizione. Si parte con la rotazione nei cerchi e poi nastri e palle.

“,”postId”:”8a3dbdac-35b4-42c8-a4c9-d21c09beff1a”},{“timestamp”:”2024-08-10T11:23:33.395Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-08-10T13:23:33+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Bach: \”Su pugilato a Los Angeles decisione entro metà 2025\” “,”content”:”

Il futuro del pugilato nel programma delle Olimpiadi si deciderà entro la prima metà del prossimo anno. Lo ha detto il presidente del Cio Thomas Bach in conferenza stampa. \”Penso che la risposta arriverà nel prossimo anno, il più presto possibile, ma non penso che possiamo aspettarci una decisione definitiva prima del prossimo anno. Io spero e credo che avremo una risposta nella prima metà del prossimo anno\”. Il presidente ha poi tenuto a sottolineare, in prospettiva Los Angeles 2028, che \”il Cio non organizzerà la boxe senza un partner affidabile. Se vogliono che i loro atleti possano ancora competere per le medaglie olimpiche, devono organizzarsi con una nuova federazione (internazionale ndr)\”. Dopo aver ripetuto che l’algerina Khelif e la taiwanese Lin Yu Ting \”sono donne e hanno il diritto di partecipare alle competizioni femminili\”, Bach ha detto che\”per quanto riguarda i cromosomi e i test di questo tipo, ci è stato detto che potrebbero essere contro i diritti umani perché possono essere invasivi\”. \”Abbiamo detto fin dall’inizio – ha aggiunto Bach – che se qualcuno ci presenta un sistema scientificamente solido per identificare uomini e donne, noi siamo i primi a farlo. Non ci piace questa incertezza. Non ci piace la situazione generale, quindi saremmo più che lieti di approfondire la questione. Ma non è possibile che qualcuno dica che questa non è una donna solo guardando qualcuno o cadendo preda di una campagna di diffamazione da parte di un’organizzazione non credibile\”.

“,”postId”:”cf24f124-3c54-48a8-8ab4-7aecff7efc08″},{“timestamp”:”2024-08-10T10:57:14.562Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-08-10T12:57:14+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Basket maschile, Germania ko: Serbia vince il bronzo”,”content”:”

La Serbia ha conquistato la medaglia di bronzo del torneo di basket maschile. Nella finale per il terzo e quarto posto i serbi hanno battuto la Germania 93-83. Stasera (palla a due alle ore 21.30) la finale per l’oro tra Usa e Francia.

“,”postId”:”956b3e6a-aa76-4c24-bf59-1cbe06c2bb5d”},{“timestamp”:”2024-08-10T10:45:53.410Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-08-10T12:45:53+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Khelif: \”Ho vinto da donna, dignità al di sopra di tutto\””,”content”:”

\”Mi sono qualificata a pieno diritto per partecipare a questi Giochi. Sono una donna come tutte le altre. Sono nata donna. Ho vissuto come donna. Ho gareggiato come donna, e su questo non ci sono dubbi\”. Imane Khelif, l’algerina nuova campionessa olimpica di pugilato, parlando alla Bbc, ha detto che con il suo oro ha mandato un \”unico messaggio\”: che la sua \”\”dignità e il suo onore sono al di sopra di ogni altra cosa\”. Poi spazio alla gioia: \”La migliore foto della mia vita\” scrive Khelif, lei sul podio mentre assapora l’oro.

“,”postId”:”b184822b-4cf7-4c85-ad00-2fa3ef8bef45″},{“timestamp”:”2024-08-10T10:40:52.916Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-08-10T12:40:52+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Paltrinieri-Fiamingo portabandiera alla chiusura”,”content”:”

Saranno Gregorio Paltinieri e Rossella Fiamingo i portabandiera dell’Italia nella cerimonia di chiusura delle Olimpiadi di Parigi 2024, domani. I due azzurri, coppia anche nella vita, sfileranno allo Stade de France in testa alla rappresentanza italiana.

“,”social”:{“socialType”:”instagram”,”src”:”https://www.instagram.com/p/C-fLsprCnVW/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=loading”,”cookieAllowed”:true},”postId”:”57c4e690-4afe-42ad-8a28-c9641c285f4e”},{“timestamp”:”2024-08-10T09:57:39.786Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-08-10T11:57:39+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Tuffi, Giovannini e Larsen fuori in semifinale”,”content”:”

Riccardo Giovannini e Andreas Sargent Larsen non riescono ad accedere alla finale dei tuffi in piattaforma 10 m. I due azzurri concludono in 13esima e 15esima posizione. Passavano alla finale i primi 12. Giovannini con un ultimo tuffo da 77.55 ha sperato di farcela ma è rimasto fuori di pochissimo finendo a 400.65 (Williams dodicesimo ha fatto 400.90).

“,”postId”:”f6b4d3d2-4428-41c7-8f73-f883b8c7078f”},{“timestamp”:”2024-08-10T09:47:55.379Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-08-10T11:47:55+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Pentathlon, vanno in finale Micheli e Sotero”,”content”:”

Elena Micheli e Alice Sotero, le due azzurre del pentathlon moderno, hanno superato le semifinali nell’individuale femminile. Hanno chiuso benissimo anche l’ultima prova di laser run finendo seconde a pari merito nel punteggio complessivo: entrambe volano in finale, che si disputerà domani mattina.

“,”postId”:”b669231d-8b2e-4018-9502-0e753e267bd9″},{“timestamp”:”2024-08-10T09:41:40.973Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-08-10T11:41:40+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”L’Algeria: \”Imane è grande, sfilerà su bus a due piani\””,”content”:”

\”Imane è una donna e tutta l’Algeria voleva che venisse ripristinata la realtà, e i diritti della nostra atleta. C’è chi l’ha usata per fare la sua propaganda e lei non ha mai cercato vendetta, ha semplicemente risposto sul ring. Vincendo perché è una grande atleta\”. L’Algeria contrattacca dopo le accuse che hanno travolto Khelif e difende la pugile neo campionessa olimpica. Lo fa anche per bocca del presidente ad interim del comitato olimpico Ammar Brahmia, presidente ad interim del comitato olimpico algerino, che annuncia una festa in stile calcio: \”Sfilerà’ su un bus a due piani. Tutto il popolo le sta dietro\”. 

“,”postId”:”7b169f5a-af7e-4810-a56f-90999423db76″},{“timestamp”:”2024-08-10T09:07:33.676Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-08-10T11:07:33+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Mornati: \”Quarti e quinti posti non sono fallimento\””,”content”:”

\”I quarti e quinti posti non possono essere considerati dei fallimenti\”, ha detto Carlo Mornati, segretario generale del Coni e capo missione azzurro a Parigi 2024, nella conferenza stampa a Casa Italia. \”Le medaglie rispecchiano le previsioni – ha aggiunto – e quello che è significativo è l’indice di competitività olimpica, tanto è vero che quello dell’Italia è rimasto invariato, siamo quarti dietro Stati Uniti, Cina e Germania\”. Mornati ha poi spiegato come questo indice \”sia difficile da scalfire\”, precisando come i quarti e quinti posti diano l’idea \”della forza del movimento\”.

“,”postId”:”3c00e8f2-cdc0-4e8f-a28d-9f53096803e4″},{“timestamp”:”2024-08-10T09:01:26.343Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-08-10T11:01:26+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Crippa: \”Al 35esimo chilometro ho avuto una crisi\””,”content”:”

\”Dal 35esimo chilometro è cominciata ad arrivare un po’ di crisi improvvisa, sicuramente dovuta alla discesa, e ho dovuto affrontarla questa crisi. È stato brutto, tutti mi passavano davanti e io non potevo rispondere\”. Yeman Crippa descrive così la propria prestazione nella maratona, in cui ha chiuso al 25esimo posto. \”Però questa gara mi insegna che ci possono essere un sacco di tipi di maratona, specialmente quella olimpica, che è molto difficile. Ora però mi prendo un momento di pausa e poi si vedrà\”.

“,”postId”:”131aa88b-893a-474f-950f-11894a59d790″},{“timestamp”:”2024-08-10T08:41:00.557Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-08-10T10:41:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Khelif: \”Dai sogni alla realtà, lotta diventa più forte\””,”content”:”

\”Dai sogni alla realtà, il viaggio è d’oro\”. Imane Khelif è la neo campionessa olimpica di pugilato e dopo le accuse e le polemiche che l’hanno coinvolta risponde forte del trionfo: \”Orgogliosa di essere arrivata così in alto per il mio Paese – ha scritto la pugile 25enne – e per chi ha creduto in me. La lotta non si ferma mai, diventa solo più forte\”.

“,”postId”:”b5266d52-18f7-4e60-96df-4f0da9538e87″},{“timestamp”:”2024-08-10T08:28:51.513Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-08-10T10:28:51+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Tamberi: \”Altra colica renale, ma gareggio\””,”content”:”

\”È tutto finito. Stanotte un’altra colica renale. Non so come faro, ma andrò in pedana\”, scrive Gianmarco Tamberi sui social, a poche ore dalla finale dell’alto.

“,”social”:{“socialType”:”instagram”,”src”:”https://www.instagram.com/p/C-e3zybNaTn/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=loading”,”cookieAllowed”:true},”postId”:”5c06a7ec-6b55-4047-b246-175f52230af8″},{“timestamp”:”2024-08-10T08:16:42.179Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-08-10T10:16:42+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Maratona, vince Tamirat Tola”,”content”:”

Tamirat Tola (Etiopia) ha conquistato la maratona olimpica di Parigi. L’atleta etiope vince l’oro facendo il tempo di 2:06:26 (nuovo record olimpico). Argento al belga Bashir Abdi, staccato di 21 secondi, bronzo per il keniota Benson Kipruto, arrivato a 34 secondi. Il primo degli italiani è Yeman Crippa, 25esimo al traguardo con oltre 4 minuti di distacco dal vincitore. Più dietro Faniel (43esimo) e Meucci (51esimo).

“,”postId”:”89a6a51a-47e2-4608-856f-839bc9c6615a”},{“timestamp”:”2024-08-10T07:56:18.795Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-08-10T09:56:18+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Gara nel vivo”,”content”:”

Il gruppetto di testa viene raggiunto al km 25. Si forma un drappello prima di un nuovo attacco di Tola. Il migliore degli italiani al km 35 è Crippa (13esimo). Quando mancano solo 5 km al traguardo l’etiope in fuga ha un vantaggio di una ventina di secondi sui primi inseguitori.

“,”postId”:”2a604c32-191f-4e5a-ad04-591cb3b46d29″},{“timestamp”:”2024-08-10T07:19:35.487Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-08-10T09:19:35+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Come sta andando la maratona”,”content”:”

Nel gruppo degli inseguitori Tola fa l’andatura e va a riprendere Faniel a metà gara. Con loro in testa l’americano Mantz. L’italiano però non riesce a tenere il ritmo e si stacca. Al comando si forma un gruppetto di 8 atleti. Più indietro gli italiani.

“,”postId”:”460de785-b4b6-4765-9750-ecde5a908177″},{“timestamp”:”2024-08-10T06:43:40.641Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-08-10T08:43:40+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”In corso la maratona”,”content”:”

L’etiope Haile Gebreselassie, due volte campione olimpico dei 10mila metri, ha dato il via alla maratona. I tre italiani in gara (Yeman Crippa, Eyob Faniel, Daniele Meucci) sono nel gruppo di testa ancora molto numeroso dopo i primi 10 km di gara. Poi attacca proprio Faniel che allunga sugli altri.

“,”postId”:”3c421c9f-bd76-4e77-956c-d9f4ef9ea29d”},{“timestamp”:”2024-08-10T06:30:00.730Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-08-10T08:30:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Così la disinformazione online sta colpendo i Giochi di Parigi”,”content”:”

NewsGuard, società di monitoraggio su media e informazione globali, ha identificato finora 29 false narrazioni in 16 diverse lingue relative ai Giochi. Sono diverse le false narrative segnalate: ecco quali. LEGGI L’ARTICOLO

“,”postId”:”f1bf99d6-3095-4907-84b6-492dc190b181″},{“timestamp”:”2024-08-10T06:15:00.801Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-08-10T08:15:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Olimpiadi, ecco quello che non dimenticheremo: le foto dei momenti più belli dei Giochi”,”content”:”

Lacrime di gioia, nuovi record e sportività. Ma anche polemiche e scelte controverse. I Giochi di Parigi stanno regalando grandi emozioni. Ecco alcuni scatti che racchiudono immagini destinate a entrare nella Storia delle competizioni olimpiche. LE FOTO

“,”postId”:”404e55e2-9e36-4a02-b433-21c758bbde14″},{“timestamp”:”2024-08-10T06:00:00.223Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-08-10T08:00:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Settebello, protesta alle Olimpiadi di Parigi: spalle alla giuria e in vasca in sei”,”content”:”

La clamorosa manifestazione di dissenso prima della partita contro la Spagna, valida per la classifica dal quinto all’ottavo posto.  Nel mirino degli azzurri di Campagna le decisioni arbitrali che li hanno condannati nei quarti contro l’Ungheria. Malagò: \”Non è questo spirito olimpico\”. LEGGI L’ARTICOLO

“,”postId”:”1b03f042-ff38-42d7-9944-781bd1b0e30f”}]}” query='{“live”:true,”configurationName”:”LIVEBLOG_CONTAINER_WIDGET”,”liveblogId”:”28148433-e5c5-4786-aabf-fc9397c3575f”,”tenant”:”tg24″,”page”:1, “limit”:20}’ iswebview=false >

Day 15 of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games was supposed to be Gianmarco Tamberi’s day in the high jump final at Paris 2024, but the Italian champion wrote on social media: “It’s all over. Another kidney cramp tonight. No. I don’t know as a lighthouse, but I’ll go up on the podium.” Among the races today, Ethiopian Temirat Tola won the men’s marathon. Gregorio Paltineri and Rossella Fiamingo will be the flag bearers for Italy at tomorrow’s closing ceremony. The Italians, who are also a couple in life, will be paraded at the Stade de France at the head of the Italian representation.

Yesterday, Italy won its 11th gold medal thanks to Chiara Consonni and Vittoria Guzzini in the Madison women’s cycling event. Nadia Batocletti won silver in the women’s 10,000m. There were also four bronze medals: third place for Sofia Raffaelli in individual rhythmic gymnastics, Nino Pizzolato in weightlifting, Simone Alessio in taekwondo -80kg, and Andy Diaz in triple jump. After days of controversy, Imane Khelif won the gold medal in the 66kg category of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, in the final match – played in the ring in the middle of the Philippe Chatrier square – the Algerian boxer in the center. She caused controversy in the days of last year, when she beat the Chinese Liu Yang on points.


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Men’s Volleyball, France Gold

The French men’s volleyball team won the final in front of their home crowd, repeating their success in Tokyo and becoming Olympic champions once again. In the final round, the French team, led by coach Andrea Giani, defeated Poland 25-15, 25-20, 25-23.

Rhythmic gymnastics finals begin

The team all-around final of the rhythmic gymnastics has begun. Martina Centofanti, Alessia Morelli, Daniela Mogoryan, Laura Paris and Agnese Durante are in 7th place in the standings. We start with alternating circles, then ribbons and balls.

Bach: ‘Los Angeles boxing decision mid-2025’

The future of boxing in the Olympic programme will be decided in the first half of next year. This was stated by IOC President Thomas Bach at a press conference. “I think the answer will come next year, as soon as possible, but I don’t think we can expect a final decision until next year. I hope and I believe that we will have an answer in the first half of next year.” The president then stressed, regarding the Los Angeles 2028 Olympics, that “the IOC will not organise boxing without a reliable partner. If they want their athletes to continue to be able to compete for Olympic medals, they must organise themselves with a new federation (international edition)”. After reiterating that Algerian Khalif and Taiwanese Lin Yu-ting are “women and have the right to participate in women’s competitions”, Bach said that “regarding chromosomes and tests of this kind, we were told that they could be against human rights because they could be invasive.” “We have said from the beginning – added Bach – that if someone offers us a scientifically sound system to determine men and women, we will be the first to do it. We do not like this uncertainty. We don’t like the public so we are more than happy to look into it further, no one can say that this is not a woman just by looking at someone or fall prey to a smear campaign by an unreliable organization.”

Men’s Basketball, Germany out: Serbia wins bronze

Serbia won the bronze medal in the men’s basketball tournament. In the third-place match, the Serbs beat Germany 93-83. Tonight (two balls at 9:30 p.m.) the gold medal final between the United States and France.

Khalifa: “As a woman, I have won dignity above all else.”

“I have fully qualified to participate in these Games. I am a woman like any other woman. I was born a woman and I live as a woman. I competed as a woman, there is no doubt about that.” Imane Khelif, the new Algerian Olympic boxing champion, speaks at the symposium BBCHe said that with his gold he sent “one message”: that his “dignity and honor are above all else.” Then there was room for joy: “The best picture of my life,” wrote Khalifa, as she savoured the gold on the podium.

Paltrinieri-Fiamingo was the standard bearer at the conclusion.

Gregorio Paltineri and Rossella Fiamingo will be Italy’s flag bearers at the closing ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympics tomorrow. The Italians, who are also a couple in life, will be paraded at the Stade de France at the head of the Italian representation.

Diving, Giovannini and Larsen out of semi-finals

Riccardo Giovannini and Andreas Sargent Larsen failed to reach the 10m platform diving final. The Italians finished 13th and 15th. The top 12 qualified for the final, with a final dive of 77.55, and he hoped to make it but was eliminated by a very short margin, finishing at 400.65 (Williams finished 12th with 400.90).

Quintet, Micheli and Sotero advance to final

Elena Micheli and Alice Sottero, the Italians in the modern pentathlon, reached the semi-finals in the women’s singles. They also finished the last laser run test very well, and took second place in the overall score: both qualified for the final, which will take place tomorrow morning.

Algeria: “Iman is great, she will parade in double-decker buses”

“Iman is a woman and all of Algeria wanted to regain reality and the rights of our sport. There are those who used her for propaganda and she never sought revenge, she simply responded in the ring. Winning because she is great.” Sportsman. Algeria strikes back after the accusations against Khalifa and defends the new Olympic boxing champion. He also does so through the interim president of the Olympic Committee, Amar Brahmia, the interim president of the Algerian Olympic Committee, who announced a football-style ceremony: “You will parade in a double-decker bus. All the people in the back.” Ha”.

Mornati: “Fourth and fifth place are not a failure”

“Fourth and fifth places cannot be considered failures,” said Carlo Mornati, CONI’s secretary general and head of the Italian delegation to Paris 2024, at a press conference in Casa Italia. “The medals reflect expectations – what is important is the Olympic competitiveness index, so much so that Italy’s index has remained unchanged, and we are fourth behind the United States, China and Germany.” Mornati then explained how this index is “difficult to scratch”, explaining how fourth and fifth places give an idea of ​​“the strength of the movement”.

Kripa: “At kilometer 35 I faced a crisis”

“From kilometer 35 a sudden crisis started to appear, definitely because of the landing, and I had to face this crisis. It was bad, everyone was passing in front of me and I couldn’t react,” Yeman Kreba describes his performance in the marathon, in which he finished 25th. “But this race teaches me that there can be many types of marathons, especially the Olympic one, which is very difficult. But now I will take a rest and then we will see,” he added.

Khalifa: “From dreams to reality, the fight becomes stronger”

“From dreams to reality, the journey is golden.” Iman Khalif is the new Olympic boxing champion, and after the accusations and controversy that have surrounded her, she has responded strongly with her victory: “Proud to have reached this high level for my country – wrote the 25-year-old boxer – and for those who believed in me, the fight never stops, it only becomes stronger.”

Tampere: “More kidney cramps, but I will compete”

“It’s all over. Tonight another kidney cramp. I don’t know what I’m going to do, but I’m going to go on the podium,” Gianmarco Tamberi wrote on social media, a few hours before the ecstatic final.

Marathon, Tamirat Tola wins

Tamirat Tola (Ethiopia) won the Paris Olympic Marathon. The Ethiopian runner won the gold medal in 2:06:26 (a new Olympic record). The silver went to the Belgian Bashir Abdi, 21 seconds behind, and the bronze to the Kenyan Benson Kipruto, who finished 34 seconds behind. The first of the Italians is Yeman Crippa, who finished 25th at the finish line, more than 4 minutes behind the winner. Behind them are Fanel (43rd) and Meucci (51st).

Live race

The lead group is reached at 25 km. A group is formed before a new attack by Tola. The best of the Italians at 35 km is Kreba (13th). With only 5 km to go, the escaping Ethiopian has a lead of almost twenty seconds over his first pursuers.

How is the marathon?

In the pursuit group, Tola sets the pace and goes to catch Faniel in the middle of the race. With them in the lead is the American Mantz. However, the Italian is unable to maintain the pace and breaks away. A small group of 8 athletes is formed by team order. The Italians are further behind.

The marathon is underway.

The Ethiopian marathoner Haile Gebrselassie, two-time Olympic champion in the 10,000m, starts. The three Italians in the race (Yeman Kreba, Eyob Fanel, Daniele Meucci) are in the leading group which is still very large after the first 10km of the race. Then Fanel himself attacks who is ahead of the others.

So misinformation online is affecting the Paris Games.

NewsGuard, a global media and information monitoring company, has so far identified 29 false stories in 16 different languages ​​related to the games. There are several false stories that have been reported: here are which ones. Read the article

Olympics, Here’s What We’ll Never Forget: Photos of the Games’ Best Moments

Tears of joy, new records and sportsmanship. But also controversies and controversial choices. The Paris Games provide great emotions. Here are some snapshots of images destined to go down in Olympic history. Photos

Citibello, in protest against the Paris Olympics: Back on the jury and six in the pool

The exciting demonstration of opposition before the match against Spain, valid for the ranking from fifth to eighth place. The refereeing decisions that condemned them in the quarter-final against Hungary are in the goal of the Azzurri from Campania. Malagó: “It is not this Olympic spirit.” Read the article

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